Jiggle Slam is a ROS2 package targeting services for mobile robots with 2D lidar. It targets high speed robots with modest processing power where there are unique challenges like fast response times and severe lidar warping due to dynamic robot movement.
Warning: Jiggle SLAM is in early development, is only partially implemented in and definitely isn't ready for your robot.
video demonstrates process_bag from Humble branch
- ROS Humble
- Anaconda / conda
- pip
Installing g2o
conda install -c conda-forge g2o
Converting ROS bags to ROS 2
pip install rosbags
rosbag-convert <bag name>
Useful commands
colcon build --packages-select jiggle --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
ros2 run jiggle process_bag --ros-args -p input_bag_path:=./data/a3-lab-bar-kitchen-2020-07-14-21-38-09
Provides live odometry from 2d lidar. Publishes the TF transformation lidar_odom->lidar_odom_laser.
Performs SLAM processing laser scans from a ROS bag, and sends results to an output bag. This is useful for debugging and tuning.
ros2 run jiggle process_bag --ros-args -p input_bag_path:=./data/a3-lab-bar-kitchen-2020-07-14-21-38-09
ROS 2 parameter | Description | Default |
input_bag_path | path of ros2 bag file to read scans from | ./data/a3-lab-bar-kitchen-2020-07-14-21-38-09 |
max_scan_count | Maximum number of scans to process from bag | int::max |
dewarp | True if the input scan will be warped due to movement and should be dewarped | true |
dewarp_iterations | The number of times to dewarp and refine matching, only used if dewarp is True. Total number of scan matches per scan will be one higher than this value, n dewarp + 1 final. | 2 |
scans_per_match | The interval, in scan count, between matching attempts. For example, 2 will only process every second scan. 10 will only process one out of 10 scans. The remainder will be skipped. | 1 |
scan_rotation_reversed | Some scanners spin clockwise, but incorrectly report CCW angles, particularly the Slamtec scanners. Setting this to True will cause the scans to be interpreted correctly. | false |
Module | Feature | Implemented |
lidar_odom | ||
2-D Scan Matching | X | |
Dewarp | X | |
Config Dewarp | X | |
Publish to lidar TF | X | |
Publish Untwisted Scans | X | |
Skip computing pointcloud2 if there are no subscribers | X | |
Config TF Frames | ||
Integrate with ODOM speed for initial match guess | ||
Detect Slippage (ODOM/LIDAR/IMU Discrepencies) | ||
Prune Scans for Performance, remove interior points on straight lines | ||
Merge frames | ||
Option to disable null map->lidar_odom transform | ||
processs_bag | ||
Loop Closure | X | |
Publish map->lidar_odom to TF |