An easy to use intersection observer hooks based on IntersectionObserver API
npm i @bakunya/intersectionobserver-hooks
useIntersectionOpserver accept 3 parameters
- ref, this is reference of components that will be watche by observer api
- options, this is options for pass on IntersectionObserver constructor
- callback, this is function which is called when the percentage of the target element is visible crosses a threshold.
- Callback parameters must be function that wrapped on useCallback for avoid rerender
- Callback have 3 params, that is observer, entries, and ref
- observer, the IntersectionObserver for which the callback is being invoked.
- entries, an array of IntersectionObserverEntry objects, each representing one threshold which was crossed, either becoming more or less visible than the percentage specified by that threshold.
- ref, ref component that passed on useIntersectionObserver()
const ref = useRef()
const options = useRef({
root: null,
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: 0
useCallback((observer, entries, ref) => {
// some code
}, [ //some dependencies ])
return <p ref={ref} className='m-5 my-[50vh'>{itm}</p>
This project under MIT License.
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