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Security: astrapi69/mystic-crypt-ui


Security Policy

Supported Versions

This section tells you about which versions of this project are currently being supported with security updates.

| Version | Supported Till | Required JDK | | 7.x | ✅ | 17.x and above | | 6.1.x | ✅ | 11.x and above | | 5.4.x | ✅ 01/01/2023 | 1.8.x and above | | < 5.4 | ❌ |

Reporting a Vulnerability

This section tells you how to report a vulnerability.

If you find any vulnerability in the mystic-crypt-ui create a github issue over the issues page. This will start an analisys process for reported vulnerability. If the result of the analisys reported for reported vulnerability is positive we will provide as soon as possible an hotfix update.

There aren’t any published security advisories