Plugin | Description |
Colorscheme | Themes that control the colors and styles of the editor UI. |
Cmp plugins | Autocompletion plugins that provide intelligent suggestions as you type. |
Snippets | Small templates that quickly insert reusable codes. |
LSP(Language Server Protocol) | Feature that provides advanced language support like autocompletions, errors checking, and refactoring. |
Treesitter | Parser that enables rich syntax highlighting and other advanced text parsing features. |
Telescope | Fuzzy finder plugin to quickly search and navigate files, commands, etc. |
See here for the entire plugin.
-- ./lua/user/plugins.lua
local install_path = fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim"
if fn.empty(fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
PACKER_BOOTSTRAP = fn.system({
print("Installing packer close and reopen Neovim...")
vim.cmd([[packadd packer.nvim]])
Where the icons are objects, functions, classes, etc?
You can change all values with any unicode character you like.
-- ./lua/user/lsp/cmp.lua
local kind_text_aliases = {
Text = "txt",
Method = "mtd",
Function = "fcn",
Constructor = "cns",
Field = "fld",
Variable = "var",
Class = "cls",
Interface = "intf",
Module = "mdl",
Property = "prop",
Unit = "unt",
Value = "val",
Enum = "enum",
Keyword = "key",
Snippet = "snip",
Color = "col",
File = "fl",
Reference = "ref",
Folder = "fol",
EnumMember = "memb",
Constant = "const",
Struct = "str",
Event = "evt",
Operator = "op",
TypeParameter = "par"
-- find more here: