Calculation of the nearest distance to the seas: Azov, Baltic, Caspian and Black.
Minimum required PHP version is 7.3.
Using Composer, just add it to your composer.json
by running:
composer require aratnikov/distance-to-sea
use ARatnikov\DistanceToSea\{Calculating, Seas};
$calculating = Calculating::getInstance();
$lat = 44.47755606247829;
$lng = 34.145802750750015;
//to the nearest sea
$result = $calculating->calculateToNearestSea($lat, $lng);
//or to a certain sea
$result = $calculating->calculateToSea(Seas::BLACK_SEA, $lat, $lng);
echo "To the {$result->getSeaName()} {$result->getDistance()} meters"; // To the black_sea 700 meters
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