This software calculates estimates uncertainties of radar based rainfall retrievels.
For fast computation the main part of the software is written in C and has to be compiled to do so simply run:
python install
if you lack permissions on the target system add the --user
To apply the Baysian update a statistical estimate on the average radar error has to be given. This can be a form of a text-file that compares mean and standard diviation of radar rainfall errors, when compared to rain gauge data.
Suppose the this file containing the comparison of radar rainfall and rain gauge data is stored in radar_error.txt
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset as nc
import radar_error
with nc('') as rr:
precip = rr.variables['rr'][2,:]
lon = rr.variables['i'][:]
lat = rr.variables['j'][:]
errfile = 'radar_error.txt'
# Calculate the rain-rate at a 'certainty' of 80%.
perc_80 = radar_error.get(data, lon, lat, errfile, 80.)