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lukaszcz committed Oct 3, 2024
1 parent 6aa62f1 commit 2fc7c13
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Showing 2 changed files with 53 additions and 73 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Nockma/Anoma.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ anomaCallTuple = \case
helper replaceArgs =
(closurePath WrapperCode)
(repArgs (OpAddress # emptyPath))
(closurePath FunCode)
(replArgs (OpAddress # emptyPath))
repArgs x = case replaceArgs of
replArgs x = case replaceArgs of
Nothing -> x
Just r -> r x
120 changes: 50 additions & 70 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Nockma/Translation/FromTree.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -159,12 +159,10 @@ data CompilerFunction = CompilerFunction
-- because the stack must have the structure of a Nock function,
-- i.e [code args env]
data AnomaCallablePathId
= WrapperCode
= FunCode
| ArgsTuple
| ---
| RawCode
| TempStack
| StandardLibrary
| ClosureTotalArgsNum
| ClosureArgsNum
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,7 +227,7 @@ stackPath s = do
getSubjectBasePath :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Sem r Path
getSubjectBasePath = do
h <- asks (^. compilerStackHeight)
return $ indexStack (fromIntegral h)
return $ replicate h R

runCompilerFunction :: CompilerCtx -> CompilerFunction -> Term Natural
runCompilerFunction ctx fun =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,25 +366,8 @@ addressTempRef tr = do
p <- tempRefPath tr
return $ opAddress "tempRef" p

anomaCallableClosureWrapper :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Sem r (Term Natural)
anomaCallableClosureWrapper = do
let closureArgsNum :: Term Natural = getClosureFieldInSubject ClosureArgsNum
closureTotalArgsNum :: Term Natural = getClosureFieldInSubject ClosureTotalArgsNum
remainingArgsNum <- sub closureTotalArgsNum closureArgsNum
tup <-
(getClosureFieldInSubject ClosureArgs)
(getClosureFieldInSubject ArgsTuple)
appendAndReplaceArgsTuple <- replaceArgsWithTerm "anomaCallableClosureWrapper" tup
subjectBasePath <- getSubjectBasePath
let closureArgsIsEmpty = isZero closureArgsNum
adjustArgs = OpIf # closureArgsIsEmpty # (opAddress "wrapperSubject" subjectBasePath) # appendAndReplaceArgsTuple
return $ opCall "closureWrapper" (closurePath RawCode) adjustArgs

mainFunctionWrapper :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
mainFunctionWrapper funslib = do
mainFunctionWrapper :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
mainFunctionWrapper funslib funCode = do
-- 1. The Anoma system expects to receive a function of type `ScryId -> Transaction`
-- 2. The ScryId is only used to construct the argument to the Scry operation
Expand All @@ -399,10 +380,11 @@ mainFunctionWrapper funslib = do
-- 4. If the Anoma system expectation changes then this code must be changed.
captureAnomaGetOrder <- replaceSubject $ \case
FunCode -> Just (OpQuote # funCode)
AnomaGetOrder -> Just (getClosureFieldInSubject ArgsTuple)
FunctionsLibrary -> Just (OpQuote # funslib)
_ -> Nothing
return $ opCall "mainFunctionWrapper" (closurePath RawCode) captureAnomaGetOrder
return $ opCall "mainFunctionWrapper" (closurePath FunCode) captureAnomaGetOrder

compile :: forall r. (Members '[Reader FunctionCtx, Reader CompilerCtx] r) => Tree.Node -> Sem r (Term Natural)
compile = \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -746,16 +728,14 @@ compile = \case
goAllocClosure :: Tree.NodeAllocClosure -> Sem r (Term Natural)
goAllocClosure Tree.NodeAllocClosure {..} = do
let fun = UserFunction _nodeAllocClosureFunSymbol
base <- getSubjectBasePath
fpath <- getFunctionPath fun
farity <- getFunctionArity fun
args <- mapM compile _nodeAllocClosureArgs
wrapper <- anomaCallableClosureWrapper
return . makeClosure $ \case
WrapperCode -> OpQuote # wrapper
FunCode -> opAddress "allocClosureFunPath" (base <> fpath <> closurePath FunCode)
ArgsTuple -> OpQuote # argsTuplePlaceholder "goAllocClosure"
FunctionsLibrary -> OpQuote # functionsLibraryPlaceHolder
RawCode -> opAddress "allocClosureFunPath" (fpath <> closurePath RawCode)
TempStack -> remakeList []
StandardLibrary -> OpQuote # stdlibPlaceHolder
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> nockNatLiteral farity
ClosureArgsNum -> nockIntegralLiteral (length args)
Expand All @@ -766,27 +746,16 @@ compile = \case
goExtendClosure = extendClosure

goCall :: Tree.NodeCall -> Sem r (Term Natural)
goCall Tree.NodeCall {..} = do
newargs <- mapM compile _nodeCallArgs
goCall Tree.NodeCall {..} =
case _nodeCallType of
Tree.CallFun fun -> callFunWithArgs (UserFunction fun) newargs
Tree.CallFun fun -> do
newargs <- mapM compile _nodeCallArgs
callFunWithArgs (UserFunction fun) newargs
Tree.CallClosure f -> do
closure <- compile f
let argsNum = getClosureField ClosureArgsNum closure
oldArgs = getClosureField ClosureArgs closure
allArgs <- appendToTuple oldArgs argsNum (foldTermsOrNil newargs) (nockIntegralLiteral (length newargs))
newSubject <- replaceSubject $ \case
WrapperCode -> Just (getClosureField RawCode closure) -- We Want RawCode because we already have all args.
ArgsTuple -> Just allArgs
RawCode -> Just (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "callClosure-RawCode")
TempStack -> Just (OpQuote # nockNilTagged "callClosure-TempStack")
FunctionsLibrary -> Nothing
StandardLibrary -> Nothing
ClosureArgs -> Nothing
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> Nothing
ClosureArgsNum -> Nothing
AnomaGetOrder -> Nothing
return (opCall "callClosure" (closurePath WrapperCode) newSubject)
withTemp closure $ \ref -> do
newargs <- mapM compile _nodeCallArgs
callClosure ref newargs

isZero :: Term Natural -> Term Natural
isZero a = OpEq # a # nockNatLiteral 0
Expand All @@ -796,7 +765,7 @@ opAddress' x = evaluated $ (opQuote "opAddress'" OpAddress) # x

-- [a [b [c 0]]] -> [a [b c]]
-- len = quote 3
-- TODO lst is being evaluated three times!
-- TODO: lst is being evaluated three times!
listToTuple :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => Term Natural -> Term Natural -> Sem r (Term Natural)
listToTuple lst len = do
-- posOfLast uses stdlib so when it is evaulated the stdlib must be in the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -895,14 +864,12 @@ extendClosure Tree.NodeExtendClosure {..} = do
allArgs <- append oldArgs argsNum (remakeList args)
newArgsNum <- add argsNum (nockIntegralLiteral (length _nodeExtendClosureArgs))
return . makeClosure $ \case
WrapperCode -> getClosureField WrapperCode closure
RawCode -> getClosureField RawCode closure
FunCode -> getClosureField FunCode closure
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> getClosureField ClosureTotalArgsNum closure
ClosureArgsNum -> newArgsNum
ClosureArgs -> allArgs
ArgsTuple -> getClosureField ArgsTuple closure
FunctionsLibrary -> getClosureField FunctionsLibrary closure
TempStack -> getClosureField TempStack closure
StandardLibrary -> getClosureField StandardLibrary closure
AnomaGetOrder -> getClosureField AnomaGetOrder closure

Expand All @@ -928,7 +895,7 @@ callStdlib fun args = do
let adjustArgs = case nonEmpty args of
Just args' -> opReplace "callStdlib-args" argsPath ((opAddress "stdlibR" [R]) >># foldTerms args') (opAddress "stdlibL" [L])
Nothing -> opAddress "adjustArgsNothing" [L]
callFn = opCall "callStdlib" (closurePath WrapperCode) adjustArgs
callFn = opCall "callStdlib" (closurePath FunCode) adjustArgs
meta =
{ _stdlibCallArgs = foldTermsOrNil args,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1047,11 +1014,9 @@ runCompilerWith opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun =
( \p ->
let nockNilHere = nockNilTagged ("makeLibraryFunction-" <> show p)
in case p of
WrapperCode -> ("wrapperCode-" <> funName) @ c
FunCode -> ("funCode-" <> funName) @ c
ArgsTuple -> ("argsTuple-" <> funName) @ argsTuplePlaceholder "libraryFunction"
FunctionsLibrary -> ("functionsLibrary-" <> funName) @ functionsLibraryPlaceHolder
RawCode -> ("rawCode-" <> funName) @ c
TempStack -> ("tempStack-" <> funName) @ nockNilHere
StandardLibrary -> ("stdlib-" <> funName) @ stdlibPlaceHolder
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> ("closureTotalArgsNum-" <> funName) @ nockNilHere
ClosureArgsNum -> ("closureArgsNum-" <> funName) @ nockNilHere
Expand All @@ -1063,11 +1028,9 @@ runCompilerWith opts constrs moduleFuns mainFun =
makeMainFunction c = makeClosure $ \p ->
let nockNilHere = nockNilTagged ("makeMainFunction-" <> show p)
in case p of
WrapperCode -> run . runReader compilerCtx $ mainFunctionWrapper funcsLib
FunCode -> run . runReader compilerCtx $ mainFunctionWrapper funcsLib c
ArgsTuple -> argsTuplePlaceholder "mainFunction"
FunctionsLibrary -> functionsLibraryPlaceHolder
RawCode -> c
TempStack -> nockNilHere
StandardLibrary -> stdlib
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> nockNilHere
ClosureArgsNum -> nockNilHere
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1125,27 +1088,42 @@ builtinFunction = \case
_compilerFunctionName = "builtinPlaceholderName"

-- | Call a function. Arguments to the function are assumed to be in the ArgsTuple stack
-- TODO what about temporary stack?
callFun ::
(Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) =>
FunctionId ->
Sem r (Term Natural)
callFun fun = do
fpath <- getFunctionPath fun
fname <- getFunctionName fun
let p' = fpath ++ closurePath WrapperCode
return (opCall ("callFun-" <> fname) p' (opAddress "callFunSubject" emptyPath))

-- | Call a function with the passed arguments
callFunWithArgs ::
forall r.
(Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) =>
FunctionId ->
[Term Natural] ->
Sem r (Term Natural)
callFunWithArgs fun args = do
replArgs <- replaceArgs args
(replArgs >>#) <$> callFun fun
-- after `replArgs` the temporary stack is empty
(replArgs >>#) <$> mkFunCall
mkFunCall :: Sem r (Term Natural)
mkFunCall = do
-- here the temporary stack has been deleted
fpath <- getFunctionPath fun
fname <- getFunctionName fun
let p' = fpath ++ closurePath FunCode
return (opCall ("callFun-" <> fname) p' (opAddress "callFunSubject" emptyPath))

callClosure :: (Members '[Reader CompilerCtx] r) => TempRef -> [Term Natural] -> Sem r (Term Natural)
callClosure ref newArgs = do
closure <- addressTempRef ref
let oldArgsNum = getClosureField ClosureArgsNum closure
oldArgs = getClosureField ClosureArgs closure
allArgs <- appendToTuple oldArgs oldArgsNum (foldTermsOrNil newArgs) (nockIntegralLiteral (length newArgs))
newSubject <- replaceSubject $ \case
FunCode -> Just (getClosureField FunCode closure)
ArgsTuple -> Just allArgs
FunctionsLibrary -> Nothing
StandardLibrary -> Nothing
ClosureArgs -> Nothing
ClosureTotalArgsNum -> Nothing
ClosureArgsNum -> Nothing
AnomaGetOrder -> Nothing
return (opCall "callClosure" (closurePath FunCode) newSubject)

replaceSubject :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => (AnomaCallablePathId -> Maybe (Term Natural)) -> Sem r (Term Natural)
replaceSubject = replaceSubject' "replaceSubject"
Expand All @@ -1164,6 +1142,8 @@ replaceArgsWithTerm tag term =
ArgsTuple -> Just term
_ -> Nothing

-- | Replace the arguments in the ArgsTuple stack with the passed arguments.
-- Resets the temporary stack to empty.
replaceArgs :: (Member (Reader CompilerCtx) r) => [Term Natural] -> Sem r (Term Natural)
replaceArgs = replaceArgsWithTerm "replaceArgs" . foldTermsOrNil

Expand Down

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