Automated Local Coordinate Aperture Photometry with PythonPhot.ipynb
- This Jupyter notebook is intended to be used for local coordinate aperture photometry for input to the AAVSO DSLR photometry reduction data worksheet (see Supplementary material section of
- Uses the PythonPhot library for photometry.
This script modifies the FITS header of the supplied files in various ways, such as to correct time using a timezone offset, MIDPOINT, JD, RA, Dec, calibration status, filter, object name and so on.
It also makes the FITS header minimally VPhot compliant by changing the the DATE-OBS keyword's value to be in ISO 8601 format (and removing the UT-START keyword since its value is included in the modified DATE-OBS). Calibration status, airmass, exposure time, filter, RA & Dec, and object name can also be modified.
This script is dependent upon the astropy package. One easy way to get this is to install a scientific Python distribution such as Anaconda.
This script removes leading zeros from file names in the current directory, subtracts an optional offset value from the sequence number in each, and copies the file to a temporary directory.
This simple script was written for conversion of Canon (1100D) RAW file names to a form suitable for processing by IRIS batch commands such as "convertraw".
This simple script converts RA and Dec in degrees to sexagisimal format.
RA and Dec are expected to be the first and second command-line arguments.