Working with a very big NgRx store in an angular application will lead to having lots of actions/effects and lots of interactions between components/actions/reducers. It gets very tedious very quickly to follow an action from the start to the end, and it is very easy to miss an action dispatched in an effect somewhere along the chain of actions.
This package tries to collect all actions/components/reducers participating in a particular flow and generate dot files for that flow, with the idea that following a graph visually is easier than following effects and actions in code.
It is also possible to see the whole net with all actions/components/reducers, but that is more important is to follow a particular action from the start to the end (the optional argument)
This package generates dot files representing the interaction between ngrx actions, components, effects and reducers.
Dot files can be then used to generate graphs using Graphviz, so this needs to be installed first, e.g:
for file in *.dot; do; dot -Tsvg $file -o "${file%.*}".svg; rm $file; done
The first run will generate a json file (see --structureFile
flag), which is used for the next runs if the flag --force
was not set as cache.
If this file exists, source code will not be parsed for actions, the recorded structure will be taken from that json file. This speeds up the process considerably.
// actions
export const action1 = createAction('Action1');
export const action2 = createAction('Action2');
export const action3 = createAction('Action3');
// component
export class FirstComponent {
onEvent() {;
// effects
export class ExampleEffects {
effect1$ = createEffect(() =>
switchMap(() => [action2(), action3()]),
// reducer
const firstReducer = createReducer(
on(action3, () => {
// ...
npx ngrx-graph -j -f
npx ngrx-graph action1
- dotFile
- graph:
npx ngrx-graph action3
- dotFile
- graph:
// actions
export const nestedAction = createAction(
props<{ action: Action }>(),
export const action1 = createAction('Action1');
export const action2 = createAction('Action2');
export const action3 = createAction('Action3');
// component
export class FirstComponent {
onEvent() {{ action: action1() }));
// effects
export class ExampleEffects {
effect1$ = createEffect(() =>
switchMap(() => [nestedAction1({ action: action2() }), action3()])),
effect2$ = createEffect(() =>
map(({ action }) => nestedAction2( { action: action()})),
effect3$ = createEffect(() =>
map(({ action }) => action())),
// reducer
const firstReducer = createReducer(
on(action3, () => {
// ...
npx ngrx-graph -j -f
npx ngrx-graph action1
- dotFile
- graph:
npx ngrx-graph action3
- dotFile
- graph:
$ npm install -g ngrx-graph
$ ngrx-graph COMMAND
running command...
$ ngrx-graph (--version)
ngrx-graph/0.0.13 darwin-arm64 node-v22.10.0
$ ngrx-graph --help [COMMAND]
$ ngrx-graph COMMAND
Generate NgRx actions graph
$ ngrx-graph graph [ACTION] [-a] [-f] [-j] [-o <value>] [-d <value>] [-s <value>]
ACTION Action of interest. It will be ignored if --jsonOnly is used
-a, --all Generate the whole graph for all actions and connected component, effects and reducers.
It will be ignored if --jsonOnly is used
-d, --srcDir=<value> [default: current directory] Source directory to grab actions from, usually the directory
with package.json in it
-f, --force Force regenrating the graph structure
-j, --jsonOnly Generate only the structure json file, can be combined with --structureFile option. It
overrides --all and [ACTION]
-o, --outputDir=<value> [default: /tmp] Destination directory, where to save the generated files
-s, --structureFile=<value> [default: ngrx-graph.json] Then name of the structure json file, Path is taken from
--outputDir option
Generate NgRx actions graph
$ ngrx-graph graph
See code: src/commands/graph/index.ts
Display help for ngrx-graph.
$ ngrx-graph help [COMMAND...] [-n]
COMMAND... Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for ngrx-graph.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Version Release Guide
- change version in
- run
npm run version
- commit and push/merge to main
- draft and release a release on github
This project is still young and it encourages collaborations. If you have an ideas/questions/fixes please do not hesitate to open an issue or provide a pull request.
I work on this on my own free time only.