The dataset The goal of this project is to understand the influence of the parents background, test preparation, and various other variables on the students math score.
There are 8 independent variables:
: Sex of a student (Male/Female)race/ethnicity
: Ethnicity of a student (Group A,B,C,D,E)parental level of education
: parents' final education (bachelor's degree,some college,master's degree,associate's degree,high school)lunch
: What type of lunch the student had before test (standard or free/reduced)test preparation course
: Whether the student completed any preparation course before the test.reading score
: Reading score obtained by the student.writing score
: Writing score obtained by the student.
Target variable:
math score
: Math score of a student.
Dataset Source Link :
Data Ingestion :
- In Data Ingestion phase the data is first read as csv.
- Then the data is split into training and testing and saved as csv file.
Data Transformation :
- In this phase a ColumnTransformer Pipeline is created.
- for Numeric Variables first SimpleImputer is applied with strategy median (because there were some outliers in the data), then standard scaling is performed on numeric data.
- for Categorical Variables SimpleImputer is applied with most frequent strategy, then one-hot-encoding is performed, after this data is scaled with standard scaler.
- This preprocessor is saved as pkl file inside the artifacts folder.
Model Training :
- In this phase, all the models are trained and evaluated. The best model found was Linear Regression.
- After this hyperparameter tuning is also performed prior to selecting the best model.
- This model is saved as pickle file to be used for the predict pipeline.
Prediction Pipeline :
- This pipeline converts given data into dataframe and has various functions to load pickle files and predict the final results in python.
Flask App creation :
- Flask app is created with User Interface to predict the math score of a student given the required features inside a Web Application.
Link : EDA Notebook
Link : Model Training Notebook
- conda create -p std python=3.8 -y
- conda activate std/
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Execute
- Access