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JWT verifier for Google tokens

Elixir library that verifies Google generated JWT tokens (such as those returned by Firebase authentication) and returns the claims data.

The intended use case is to validate signed tokens retrieved by a mobile app using Firebase Authentication, where the app talks directly with the Google Authentication service and retrieves an authentication token (a Json Web Token) that can be later sent to a server for verification or by web apps that use the Firebase JavaScript API.

JWT tokens are also returned by other Google authentication services and this library could be used to verify them too.


iex > {:ok, claims} = Jwt.verify token

If you just want to display the contents (claims) of a token quickly you can just run:

iex > Jwt.Display.display token

No validation is performed in the token in that case.


The package can be installed as follows (will try to make it available in Hex in a future version):

  1. Add jwt to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:jwt, git: "", branch: "master"}]
  1. Ensure jwt is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:jwt]]

or, depending on your version of Elixir

def application do
    [ extra_applications: [:jwt] ]


Two plugs are provided:

- Jwt.Plugs.VerifyAuthorizationHeader

The plug looks at the HTTP Authorization header to see if it includes a value with the format

Authorization: Bearer [JWT]

where [JWT] is a JWT token. If it is there the library will attempt to verify the signature and attach the claims to the Plug.Conn object. The claims can then be accessed with the :jwtclaims atom:

claims = conn.assigns[:jwtclaims]
name = claims["name"]

If the token is invalid, the plug with directly return a 401 response to the client.

The tokens expiration timestamp are also checked to verify that they have not expired. Expired tokens (within a 5 minute time difference) are rejected.

- Jwt.Plugs.FilterClaims

This plug allows you to accept or deny a request based on the contents of the claims. Please take a look at the tests to see the different options you have to filter a request based on the token content.


Apache v2.0