0.4.0-a1 : Health
Overview checklist
- ErrorBundles introduced, now global error handlers may be described as common redgreen resource
- hystrix failover line health check now does not triggering permanent DOWN state at /health endpoint
- core module now provide RedgreenComponentsFactory as central point to register parts of service
- RedgreenResponse mechanism reconstruted, now any technique to convey body (streams, blobs, etc.) may be used
Configuration changes
New configuration properties are introduced within the release.
ErrorBundle configuration properies ( note, atm only RedirectingErrorBundle can be used, next releases will bring settings similar to driver or line setting, to control which bundle is used. )
- redgreen.direct.error-bundle.errorResource - defines resource on which client would be redirected in a case of global error.
This configuration will try to do request on http://example.xcom/ first, then on http://example.bcom/ and after fail on red resource, the client will be redirect on the http://google.com.
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