#Welcome to the Caladesi Framework
The Caladesi Framework is written in Scala and is intended to be used in other Scala projects. It is inspired by the liftweb framework. Hence it uses some parts of it (lift-json, ...).
Please check the sub folders/projects for detailed information
- caladesi-common
- caladesi-field
- caladesi-record
- caladesi-repository
- caladesi-neo4j-graph
- caladesi-orientdb-common
- caladesi-orientdb-graph
- caladesi-orientdb-document
- caladesi-web
##Getting Started with Caladesi Framework You can use the caladesi framework by adding the dependency to your project:
Modify your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "net.caladesiframework" %% "caladesi-web" % "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT" % "compile"
###Maven: Add the framework to your pom.xml:
dependencies {
// Caladesi Framework
compile "net.caladesiframework:caladesi-web_$scalaVersion:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"
To build the caladesi framework from source, checkout this repository and use the included caladesi
git clone https://github.com/alebon/caladesi-framework.git
cd caladesi-framework
The Caladesi Framework is open source software released under the Apache 2.0 license. You must be a committer to submit patches.