A simple example of the steeltoe service discovery based on the tutorial: https://steeltoe.io/service-discovery/get-started/eureka
Run the Eureka Docker container:
docker run --publish 8761:8761 steeltoeoss/eureka-server
View the Eureka Dashboard: http://localhost:8761/ Notice no applications are registered yet.
Start Microservice A:
dotnet run --project .\MicroserviceA\MicroserviceA.csproj
Start Microservice B:
dotnet run --project .\MicroserviceB\MicroserviceB.csproj
Refresh Eureka Dashboard to show Microservice A and B are now registered.
Call microservice endpoints:
- Microservice A: https://localhost:5003/api/values
- Microservice B: https://localhost:5001/weatherforecast