Python is an open source interpreted programming language with dynamic typing created in 1991 by Guido Van Rossum. Used in Web, System, Desktop, DataScience and IOT devices.
Python programs are whitespace indented and have the file extension .PY
- Install Python
- Setup .PY executable env variable
- Set python as the executable when calling .PY files
- Pip install Black
- Pip install Pylint
- Install Microsoft Python extension
- Setup Black as formatter
- Setup format on save
- Setup PyLint as linter
- Assign variable
- Assign List (Array)
- Assign Dict (Hash Table)
- For Loop
- Try / Except
- Print f strings
- Setup hashbang
- Import modules
- Write script
- PyDocs
- Run on both Windows and Linux
- Common packages: Requests, Pandas, Rich, JupyterLab, PyTest
- RealPython
- Practical Business Python
- Hitchikers Guide to Python
- Python Docs