This is the In App Gpu Profiler im using since two years in NoodlesPlate.
Only Opengl is supported for the moment
InAppGpuProfiler follow the master and docking branch of ImGui . currently ImGui 1.89.9
A opengl Loader (like glad) And of course, have added Dear ImGui to your project for this to work at all.
- Compatible with MacOs, Linux, Windows
- Scopped queries functions
- can open profiling section in sub windows
- can open profiling section in the same windows and get a breadcrumb trail to go back to parents
- the circular vizualization is in work in progress state. dont use it for the moment
- C api
InAppGpuProfiler is designed to be not invasive with you build configuration
So you need to create a config.
You have a file "InAppGpuProfilerConfig.h" ready for that in the lib directory
You can also create your own custom file and link it by defining the symbol CUSTOM_IN_APP_GPU_PROFILER_CONFIG
this is what is done in the demo app by this cmake line :
In this config you have MANDATORY things to define :
- the include of your opengl loader.
- the include of imgui.h and imgui_internal.h
- define he fucntion to get/set the opengl context
- define the opengl context pointer used by you get/set current context functions
If you dont define theses mandatory things, you will have linker issues or the profiler will not be able to catch gpu metrics
you can check the demo app for a typical use with the couple glfw/glad
You must call 'AIGPNewFrame' one time per frame. This must be the root of your gpu metric scope
ex :
AIGPNewFrame("GPU Frame", "GPU Frame"); // a main Zone is always needed
then you msut call 'AIGPScoped' for each zones you want to measure
ex :
AIGPScoped("render_imgui", "ImGui");
AIGPScoped("Opengl", "glViewport");
glViewport(0, 0, display_w, display_h);
AIGPScoped("Opengl", "glClearColor");
glClearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
AIGPScoped("Opengl", "glClear");
AIGPScoped("ImGui", "RenderDrawData");
you can also use the variadic form :
AIGPScoped("Opengl", "glGenerateMipmap %u", m_TexId);
these functions must be included in a scope.
you cant put two function in the same scope since the first metric measure
will be done on constructor of AIGPScoped and the second metric measure
will be done on destructor of AIGPScoped
finally you must collect all gpu metrics out of the scope of 'AIGPNewFrame'
by calling 'AIGPCollect' one time per frame
ex :
AIGPCollect; // collect all measure queries out of Main Frame
full sample from the DemoApp :
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) {
AIGPNewFrame("GPU Frame", "GPU Frame"); // a main Zone is always needed
render_shaders(); // many AIGPScoped are caleed in this function
// Cpu Zone : prepare
// GPU Zone : Rendering
AIGPScoped("render_imgui", "ImGui");
glViewport(0, 0, display_w, display_h);
glClearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
AIGPScoped("ImGui", "RenderDrawData");
AIGPScoped("Opengl", "glfwSwapBuffers");
AIGPCollect; // collect all measure queries out of Main Frame
that's all folks :)
By left clicking on a bar, you can open it int the main profiler window.
When you click on buttons of the breadcrumb trail you can select a parent bar to show
By right clicking on a bars, you can open the bar in another window.
The demo app let you see how to use in detail the Profiler
Its coming with a little opengl framework with some of my shaders
A vulkan version exist HERE
but need some work for make it agnostic and dependent only from VK Api
not found the time for unify the two versions at this moment