Please complete the following questions and upload this
file to the TigerFile assignment for the "Final Project Implementation".
Do not alter the formatting (e.g. write your answer after the asterisks ** FIELD NAME ** or on the next line after the header ### HEADER NAME). We have filled in a dummy response for the first question in the first two sections as an example.
You may copy and paste your answers from questions 1-8 in the status update.
Name 1: Aditi Desai
NetID 1: aditid
Name 2: Leuna Sen
NetID 2: lsen
Project preceptor name: Alfredo Velasco
Project title: Promoting HIV Testing and Prevention: Visualizing The Racial Break of HIV/AIDS Diagnoses in NYC Regions (2010-2013) and Finding Nearest Testing Facilities
CodePost link for proposal:
CodePost link for revised proposal (include if submitted):
CodePost link for status update: emailed separately to project preceptor
Link to project video:
Number of hours to complete implementation: 12-16 hours
Our final project takes in two different dataset files from the New York City Department of Health Website. The first dataset is a record of all of the HIV diagnoses in New York City (2012 data). The program asks the user for a region of interest (specific area/city/town) from a list. Then it will calculate the racial breakdown of HIV diagnoses per 100,000 people and create a grpahical representation of this data. This program will also prompot the user to click on a google form which will lead them to different support/advocacy resources if they are interested.
The second dataset concerns HIV/AIDS testing facilities. The user will be presented with a list of unique buroughs included in the dataset, they will input whichever they are interested in, and finally be presented with a list of testingn faclities in that region. Then they can use the contact function to find the address and phone number of that specific testing facility.
Be specific in your description of each feature. In particular, specify where they are implemented (e.g. .java file name, starting and ending line numbers, method names, etc.).
Creating a bar chart: This is located in the file at lines 68-136. The method name is createBarGraph(String regionOfInterest, String title, String xAxis, String source). While it is a void method, it i will create a bar graph of the number of HIV diagnoses per 100,000 people in different racial categories for a specific user-desired location in NYC.
Finding ways to support HIV Advocacy: This is located in the file at lines 138-147. The method name is findSupport(). It is a void method, however, will output "Find a way to support HIV/AIDS advocacy efforts by clicking here!" - thereby leading the user to a google form which records their desired form of advocacy (volunteer, charity, education) and leads them to the appropriate resources accordingly.
Getting Contact info for a specific clinic/testing facility: This is located in at lines 88-105. The method name is contact(String clinic) and it outputs a sentence describing the phone number and address of the indicated facility (if they are found in the dataset).
Include a few example run commands and the expected results of running your program. For non-textual outputs (e.g. graphical or auditory), feel free to describe in words what the output should be or reference output files (e.g. images, audio files) of the expected output.
To compile and run the file, the compile command is javac-introcs -cp ".:lib/:.lift/" and java-introcs -cp ".:lib/:.lift/" DataAnalysisClient. After this, the program will ask for a user input. We can input "Greenpoint" without quotes as an example. A graph will appear in a new window with the racial breakdown of HIV diagnoses per 100,000 people. One can also try "Green" (which is not a region in the dataset) and no graph will appear. Finally, the google form link also appears in the terminal.
To compile and run the file, the compile command is javac-introcs -cp ".:lib/:.lift/" and java-introcs -cp ".:lib/:.lift/" Location. The program will then output a list of all of the burough regions, and the user will be asked to enter one. If we enter "Queens" as an example, then a list of all of the testing facilities in Queens will be outputted. Then the program asks the user to enter a desired clinic, say we input "The Child Center of NY," then the program will output The phone number of The Child Center of NY is: 718-322-4953 and the address of the facility is: 60-02 Queens Boulevard Woodside.
Mention the line number(s) at which your program accepts user input.
The file accepts user input when asking for the neighborhood of interest at lines 168-169
The file accepts user input twice when asking for the burough of interest (line 122) and the clinic of interst at line 137.
Mention the line number(s) at which your program produces output.
The program produces a number of outputs, such as the:
- In Line 158, a list of all of the unique neighborhoods are printed out
- In Line 180-181, the program takes in the usser's region of interest and outputs a visual bar graph in a separate window
- In Line 185, the program outputs a sentence assisting users in accessing the google form.
- In Line 114, the program outputs a list of all of the unique buroughs in the dataset
- In Line 129, the program outputs a list of all of the clinics in the desired burough
- In Line 145, the program outputs a sentence with the address and phone number of the desired clinic
Also describe how it supports your program's functionality. Include the variable name and the line number(s) at which it is declared and initialized).
The program extensively uses 2D arrays, arrayLists, and CSV datasets. These really support the functionality of the program since the program is based on the information contained in the dataset (which is stored as a 2D string array on line 26 of The arrayLists in both and create a "word bank" for user to choose a region or facility of interest to them. These are located on line 38 and line 39.
Include method signatures and line numbers. If your project group wrote more than two custom functions, choose the two functions that were most extensively tested.
createBarGraph(String regionOfInterest, String title, String xAxis, String source) --> (Line 69)
findAddresses(String regionOfInterest) --> (Line 70)
For each of the four tests (two for each method), explain what was being tested and the expected result. For non-textual results (e.g. graphical or auditory), you may describe in your own words what the expected result should be or reference output files (e.g. images, audio files).
- Line 180 --> can test the createBarGraph(args) method using an indicated region such as "Greenpoint" Line 180 --> can test the createBarGraph(args) method using an indicated region such as "Green" which does not exist in the dataset, so an empty graph will be produced
- Line 129 --> testing to see if the program will output an array of all of the unique regions located in the dataset
Also tested another similar method in Line 158 which is regionsArrayMethod() --> outputs a list of all of the unique regions in the first dataset
Bullet lists and links suffice.
- HIV Diagnoses Dataset:
- Locations Dataset:
- BarChart Library:
- CSV Reader Library: Dr. Ruth Fong's File (from COS 126)
Every resource that informed your code should be cited in a comment at/near the line(s) of code that it informed.
Yes or No? Yes
If so, please list their names. ("A Sunday lab TA" or "Office hours on Thursday" is ok if you don't know their name.)
Yes or No? Yes, our Project Preceptor assisted us when we ran into challenges (Alfredo)
Yes or No? No
This project was a great learning experience!
Please mark that you’ve done all of the following steps (fill in square bracket with x, i.e. [x]):
- Created a file, unzipped its contents, and checked that our compile and run commands work on the unzipped contents. Ensure that the .zip file is under 50MB in size.
- Created and uploaded a Loom or YouTube video that...
- is maximum 2 minutes in length
- demonstrates live your program's input(s) and output(s)
- demonstrates live your 3 features
- does not reveal any code
- includes your project name and the name of each student
- has its thumbnail and/or starting frame set to an image of your program or a title slide
- is publicly viewable (check in an incognito browser)
- is linked to in this
file (Q10 under Basic Information)
- Uploaded all .java files to TigerFile. Each .java file should be uploaded separately as an additional file.
- Uploaded file to TigerFile.
After you’ve submitted the above on TigerFile, remember to do the following:
- Complete and upload this
file to TigerFile. - Complete and submit this Google Form (
For partial credit for buggy features, you may include a bug report for at most 4 bugs that your project group was not able to fix before the submission deadline. For each bug report, copy and paste the following questions and answer them in full. Your bug report should be detailed enough for the grader to reproduce the bug.
Note: if your code appears bug-free, you should not submit any bug reports.
1. Describe in a sentence or two the bug below.
2. Describe in detail how to reproduce the bug (e.g. run commands, user input, etc.).
3. Describe the resulting effect of bug and provide evidence (e.g. copy-and-paste the buggy output, reference screenshot files and/or buggy output files, include a Loom video of reproducing and showing the effects of the bug, etc.).
4. Describe where in your program code you believe the bug occurs (e.g. line numbers).
5. Please describe what steps you tried to fix the bug.
Yes or No? Yes
If yes, please answer the following question.
Our project went above and beyond the scope of COS 126 because we used two external libraries and/or Java libraries not covered in this course. These two external libraries are and These were also quite integral to the program as a whole since one of the major outputs of this program is a visual graph which uses Additionally, to gather, collect, analyze information from the datasets from the NYC DOH site, we needed to read in a CSV file using the external library.
Yes or No?
If yes, please answer the following questions.
1. Specify the scope of the component you are analyzing (e.g. function name, starting and ending lines of specific .java file).
2. What is the estimated runtime (e.g. big-O complexity) of this component? Provide justification for this runtime (i.e. explain in your own words why you expect this component to have this runtime performance).
3. Provide experimental evidence in the form of timed analysis supporting this runtime estimate. (Hint: you may find it helpful to use command-line arguments/flags to run just the specified component being analyzed).
Yes or No?
If yes, please answer the following question.
Describe in detail how to execute your .jar application (e.g. what execution command to use on the terminal).
Include a few example execution commands and the expected results of running your program. For non-textual outputs (e.g. graphical or auditory), feel free to describe in words what the output should be or reference output files (e.g. images, audio files) of the expected output.