Team members : Adithyan Rajesh, K S Varun, Gouri S Dev, Aditya Byju
The idea of the project was to make a Human-following bot based on Computer Vision that uses the feed from its camera to find the coordinates of the human to be followed and uses this information to follow the human while maintaining a particular distance at all times. This bot can be developed into a luggage carrying robot, or be used for surveillance.
Video link
Note: This works considering you have downloaded the weights file at the yolov3-coco directory inside of human detection directory.
Tutorial link
- Fundamentals of Python
- Version control using Git and managing repositories on Github
- Installation of Ubuntu and various useful Linux terminal commands
- Robot control using ROS and simulation in Gazebo
- Creating a robot model in Solidworks
- Darknet architecture and YOLO implementation
- Basics of image processing and Machine Learning while working with OpenCV and YOLO
- To train a custom dataset for detection