5 days
- React
- Webpack
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- Express
- Ajax
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Bulma (CSS framework)
- GitHub
- Insomnia
- React Select
- ReactMapBox-GL
The brief was to build a full-stack application with a React front-end and noSQL database.
The application had to include data schema and a RESTful api framework.
The project was collaboration with Hugo Raymond merging code from a single GitHub repository.
The application is deployed via Git on Heroku here - http://after-midnight.herokuapp.com
The application allows users to view on a map venues that are open after midnight.
User current location is also highlighted so venues that are close by can be easily identified.
Upon clicking a marker, a pop up shows basic info, and the More Info link navigates to the Venue Page.
The Venue Page provides more detailed information about each venue including which nights of week the venue is open after midnight.
The app provides register/login options.
Once registered and logged in a user gains access to the Add Venue page.
Once we had decided on our idea, we set about wire-framing the various pages of our app.
For our MVP we wanted our Add Venue form to perform solidly, and our database of venues to be displayed on the Venues page in a text list format.
We only added the map functionality on the Venues page after we had reached MVP.
Upon achieving MVP it was very enjoyable to move on to displaying our database of venues on a map using ReactMapBox-GL.
Referencing the documentation we were able to add customised
- Markers
- Popups
- Colours
We also were pleased to add the You Are Here marker, as this improved the overall app experience.
The biggest challenge of our project was the Add Venue form. Our aim was to help users populate the form. Upon entering a venue name and clicking 'Go', the search bar at the top of the page pulls information from the YelpAPI then automatically populates most of the form fields.
- Filter by venue type on venue index page
- Option to edit and delete venues that user has created
- Option for user to add their own images