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##Where stars are born Nebula is a Meteor boilerplate designed to help you get started making Meteor web apps quickly and easily.

Shout out to two other excellent boilerplates: meteor-boilerplate, Void, and Meteoris.

Preview the boilerplate here:


  • Uses Bootstrap3
  • Recommended directory structure
  • Models with inheritance and validation
  • Included packages like Iron-Router, Collection2, Bootstrap3-less, and npm, give you all the essentials
  • Tons of examples: collections, security, route configuration, CRUD operations
  • Easily add NPM packages to your application with packages.json see meteorhacks/npm for instructions


The router comes preconfigured with:

  • An option to require the user to be authenticated before they can visit a route
  • Loading template
  • Not found template
  • Update the page title when changing routes


  • standard-app-packages
  • less
  • jquery
  • underscore
  • accounts-base
  • accounts-password
  • accounts-ui
  • iron:router
  • meteorhacks:npm
  • aldeed:collection2
  • aldeed:autoform
  • mrt:underscore-string-latest
  • mrt:moment
  • mrt:numeral

##Directory Structure This directory structure allows for clean, modular code:

client/                 # Client folder
    compatibility/      # Third-party libraries that create a global variable, or need to be loaded first
    config/             # Client-side configuration files
    helpers/            # Template helpers
    less                # LESS files    
    lib/                # Client-side library files that get executed first
    modules/            # Re-usable components and partials
    startup/            # Client-side startup code
    subscriptions/      # Global subscriptions for the client
    views/              # Views/templates for your application
        common/         # General purpose templates (header, footer, etc.)
models/                 # Model files, with Collection, Schema and publish definitions
    lib/                # Models loaded first
private/                # Files inaccessible to client and not automatically loaded by server
public/                 # Public files
routes/                 # Iron-Router routes
server/                 # Server-only files
    fixtures/           # Database fixtures
    lib/                # Server-side library files that get executed first
    methods/            # Meteor.methods definitions
    startup/            # On server startup
tests/                  # Tests
packages.json           # Add desired NPM packages here, load with Meteor.npmRequire


  • Install Meteor
  • Download the repository
  • Run meteor in the root directory

##Getting Started You will want to read the instructions for the following packages:

##Models Nebula comes with a basic ORM called "BaseModel". It's extremely basic and may suit your needs. It has the following methods:

set     - Set a/several properties on the model. Changes are remembered for efficient saving
toJSON  - Converts the model to a JSON object
save    - Save all changed properties since the last save
saveAll - Save all the properties of the model, regardless of tracked changes

##Boilerplate Generator Use our generator to create views, routes, models and full CRUD skeletons quickly. Run the generator from the private folder with node nebula.js

create:view - client/views folder with template and JS skeletons
create:crud - client/views folder with CRUD for a model
create:route - client/routes javascript file
create:model - Model skeleton javascript file
create:collection - Collection with model, schema, publish and subscribe

##Recommended Packages

##Helpful Resources


  • Tests with Velocity and Mocha
  • User roles
  • Pagination example
  • Deployment script recommendations


Where stars are born - A boilerplate for Meteor web apps






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