Lofi Cafe Management System is a retail management system (RMS) that handles basic cafe operations efficiently. Extends a project I build last year called Lofi-Cafe.
- Admin/user sign in system using JWT authentication
- Forgot password and user verification mailing system using Spring Mailer
- Dashboard: displays summary of the categories, products, and bills
- CRUD operations to manage categories, products, bills, and staff
- Create and edit categories and products
- Create customer orders and download them as a PDF bill
- Create, download, and delete bills
All data is submitted in the front-end via forms, sent to the backend through POST/GET requests, and saved to corresponding tables in the SQL database. Error handling is implemented in the backend and all unauthorized access will be redirected to the home page through an Angular routing guard and interceptor.
Front-end: Angular/Typescript with Material UI
Backend: Spring Boot/Java
Database: MySQL
There are 2 Dockerfiles to build the images for the frontend and backend:
/frontend (angular)/Dockerfile
/backend (spring)/Dockerfile
To build the Dockerfiles, navigate into the desired folder and run the corresponding command:
docker build -t cafe-management/frontend:[version] .
docker build -t cafe-management/backend:[version] .
To run the application, run docker-compose up
in the root directory.