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Maze algorithm

Patrizio Amella edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 4 revisions

A maze algorithm will operate on a grid to open or close connections between cells.

Some algorithm works by choosing a 'direction' instead of choosing a neighbor. These 'direction' algorithms might not give a valid maze (on some grid configuration) where every cell is reachable.

Binary Tree


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  --direction1          (Default: 0) First direction (Top)

  --direction2          (Default: 1) Second direction (Right)

  --direction1weight    (Default: 1) Weight for the direction 1

  --direction2weight    (Default: 1) Weight for the direction 2



  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  --direction1          (Default: 0) First direction (Top)

  --direction2          (Default: 1) Second direction (Right)

  --direction1weight    (Default: 1) Weight for the direction 1

  --direction2weight    (Default: 1) Weight for the direction 2

Aldous Broder


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen



  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

Hunt and Kill


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

Recursive Backtracker


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen



  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

Prim simple


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

Prim simple modified


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

Prim weighted


  -s, --seed      RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  -w, --weight    Weight, if none is provided a random one is chosen



  -s, --seed      RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

Recursive Division


  -s, --seed       RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  -r, --rooms      (Default: 0) Probability to generate a room (a space with no wall), range from 0.0 no room to 1.0 always generate a room. If this parameter is greater than 0.0 do not forget to create the grid empty with -e

  --roomsheight    (Default: 3) Room height

  --roomswidth     (Default: 3) Room width



  -s, --seed      RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

Growing Tree mix random and last


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  -l, --longPassages    (Default: 0,5) Probability to generate long passages from 0.0 always choose a random neighbor to 1.0 always choose the last (same as recursive backtracker)

Growing Tree mix chosen random and last


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  -l, --longPassages    (Default: 0,5) Probability to generate long passages from 0.0 always choose a random neighbor (stick to it until it has no neighbor) to 1.0 always choose the last (same as recursive backtracker)

Growing Tree mix oldest and last


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  -l, --longPassages    (Default: 0,5) Probability to generate long passages from 0.0 always choose the oldest neighbor to 1.0 always choose the last (same as recursive backtracker)

Growing Tree direction


  -s, --seed          RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  --torightweight     (Default: 0,5) Probability between 0.0 and 1.0 to choose the neighbor on the right (all the probability cannot be > 1.0)

  --tobottomweight    (Default: 0,3) Probability between 0.0 and 1.0 to choose the neighbor on the bottom (all the probability cannot be > 1.0)

  --toleftweight      (Default: 0,1) Probability between 0.0 and 1.0 to choose the neighbor on the left (all the probability cannot be > 1.0)

Growing Tree spiral


  -s, --seed            RNG seed, if none is provided a random one is chosen

  --spiralweight        (Default: 1) Probability between 0.0 and 1.0 to choose the neighbor that will make a spiral

  --spiraluniformity    (Default: 1) Probability between 0.0 and 1.0 to make perfect spiral (as best as possible)

  --spiralmaxlength     (Default: 4) Max length for the spiral

  --spiralrevolution    (Default: 0) Probability between 0.0 (counter-clockwise) and 1.0 (clockwise) to choose the revolution of the spiral

No maze

