- https://github.com/KaSroka/Toshiba-AC-control
- https://gist.github.com/h4de5/7f97db0f4efc265e48904d4a84dab4fb
- h4de5/home-assistant-toshiba_ac#116
Thanks to h4de5, Martinnj and KaSroka
PHP Code
$username = "<USERNAME>";
$password = "<PASSWORD>";
* @param string $url
* @param string $post
* @param string $token
* @return []
function query($url, $post = null, $token = null) {
$ch = curl_init();
//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
if (!empty($post)) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$header = [
'Content-Type: application/json'
if (!empty($token)) {
$header[] = 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
// echo $result . PHP_EOL;
if (!empty($result)) {
return json_decode($result, true);
} else {
echo "Error in query: " . $url . PHP_EOL;
return false;
// $base_url = "https://toshibamobileservice.azurewebsites.net";
// new url since 2022-07-14
$base_url = "https://mobileapi.toshibahomeaccontrols.com";
$login_url = "/api/Consumer/Login";
$device_url = "/api/Estia/GetRegisteredEstiaByUniqueId";
$mapping_url = "/api/Estia/GetConsumerEstiaMapping";
$status_url = "/api/Estia/GetCurrentEstiaStateByUniqueDeviceId";
$settings_url = "/api/Estia/GetConsumerProgramSettings";
echo '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' . PHP_EOL;
///////////// LOGIN RESULT
//The data you want to send via POST
$fields = [
'Username' => $username,
'Password' => $password
// url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = json_encode($fields);
$result_object = query($base_url . $login_url, $fields_string);
var_export($result_object) . PHP_EOL;
// Store access token and consumerId for further calls
$access_token = $result_object['ResObj']['access_token'];
$consumerId = $result_object['ResObj']['consumerId'];
echo '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' . PHP_EOL;
///////////// MAPPING RESULT
$fields = http_build_query([
'consumerId' => $consumerId
$result_object = query($base_url . $mapping_url . '?' . $fields, null, $access_token);
var_export($result_object) . PHP_EOL;
// store first AC id
$deviceId = $result_object['ResObj'][0]['ACList'][0]['DeviceUniqueId'];
echo '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' . PHP_EOL;
$fields = http_build_query([
'DeviceUniqueId' => $deviceId
$result_object = query($base_url . $status_url . '?' . $fields, null, $access_token);
var_export($result_object) . PHP_EOL;
echo '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' . PHP_EOL;
$fields = http_build_query([
'consumerId' => $consumerId
$result_object = query($base_url . $settings_url . '?' . $fields, null, $access_token);
var_export($result_object) . PHP_EOL;
echo '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////' . PHP_EOL;
- 01 - active
- 02 - paused
I tested with the app by turning on and off the heat pump for heating and water the result were as shown
Heating and Water active
'ACStateData' => '0c98000003067a7a000000030648480000000004919195942d00ff010000987a48484e52',
Heat only active
'ACStateData' => '0898000003067a7a000000030648480000000004919195942d00ff010000987a48484e52'
Water only active
'ACStateData' => '0c98000002067a7a000000020648480000000000919195942d00ff010000987a48484e52'
None active
'ACStateData' => '0898000002067a7a000000020648480000000004919195942d00ff010000987a48484e52',
Water Active
- 0c - active
- 08 - inactive
Defined Hot Water Temperature (target temperature)
- 98 - as in temperature table means 60°C
Outdoor Unit active for hot water
- 01 - active
- 00 - inactive
Heating coil active for hot water
- 01 - active
- 00 - inactive
Heating active
- 03 - active
- 02 - inactive
Heating target temperature
- 7a - as in temperature table means 45°C
Old heating temperature
- 7a - as in temperature table means 45°C
it seems when changing this temp in the app this value stays for some time at the old value
Outdoor Unit active for heating
- 01 - active
- 00 - inactive
Heating coil active for heating
- 01 - active
- 00 - inactive
Heating active
03 - active
02 - inactive
seems to same as 9,10
I guess the Heating temperature minimum
seems to be a copy of the above
Outdoor Unit active for heating
- 01 - active
- 00 - inactive
Heating coil active for heating
- 01 - active
- 00 - inactive
i could not really identify these, it seems they show again some of the temperature values and maybe pump activity
similar to the AC State the program settings for the scheduler are as follows
"p1" : "07000898030684ffffffffff",
"p2" : "110008ff02ffffffffffffff",
"p3" : "16000c9803067affffffffff",
"p4" : "220008ff02ffffffffffffff"
- 0700 - 07:00
Hot Water Active
- 0c - active
- 08 - inactive
Water Temperature
- 98 - as in temperature table means 60°C
Heating active
- 03 - active
- 02 - inactive
Heating temperature
- 7a - as in temperature table means 45°C
the rest seems to be filled with bits / bytes "ff"
GET https://mobileapi.toshibahomeaccontrols.com/api/Estia/GetConsumerEstiaMapping?consumerId=<consumer-id>
"ResObj" : [
"GroupId" : "<group-id>",
"GroupName" : "All ESTIA",
"ConsumerId" : "<consumer-id>",
"TimeZone" : "W. Europe Standard Time",
"ACList" : [
"Id" : "<device-id",
"DeviceUniqueId" : "<device-unique-id>",
"Name" : "BMD",
"ACModelId" : "4",
"Description" : "AW_<device-unique-id>",
"CreatedDate" : "9/11/2023 1:13:55 PM",
"ACStateData" : "0898000003067a7a01000003064848010000000485858b8a2e00ff010000987a48484e52",
"FirmwareUpgradeStatus" : "",
"URL" : "",
"File" : "",
"MeritFeature" : "3f",
"AdapterType" : "0",
"FirmwareVersion" : "2.2.00",
"FirmwareCode" : "0002",
"Control" : "3",
"WaterRoom" : "2",
"DHW_max" : "b6",
"DHW_min" : "70",
"Zone1_wt_heat_max" : "a2",
"Zone1_wt_heat_min" : "48",
"Zone2_wt_heat_max" : "a2",
"Zone2_wt_heat_min" : "48",
"Zone1_2_wt_cool_max" : "52",
"Zone1_2_wt_cool_min" : "2e",
"Zone1_2_rt_heat_max" : "5a",
"Zone1_2_rt_heat_min" : "44",
"Zone1_2_rt_cool_max" : "5a",
"Zone1_2_rt_cool_min" : "44"
"IsSuccess" : true,
"Message" : "Success",
"StatusCode" : "Success"
GET https://mobileapi.toshibahomeaccontrols.com/api/Estia/GetCurrentEstiaStateByUniqueDeviceIdg?DeviceUniqueId=<device-unique-id>
"ResObj" : [
"Id" : "<device-id>",
"ACId" : "<ac-id>",
"ACDeviceUniqueId" : "<device-unique-id>",
"ACStateData" : "0898000003068484010000030648480100000004909097962f00ff010000988448484e52",
"FirmwareVersion" : "2.2.00",
"FirmwareUpgradeStatus" : "",
"URL" : "",
"File" : "",
"VersionInfo" : "00020000",
"FirmwareCode" : "0002",
"AdapterType" : "0",
"Control" : "3",
"WaterRoom" : "2",
"Merit" : "3f",
"DHW_max" : "b6",
"DHW_min" : "70",
"Zone1_wt_heat_max" : "a2",
"Zone1_wt_heat_min" : "48",
"Zone2_wt_heat_max" : "a2",
"Zone2_wt_heat_min" : "48",
"Zone1_2_wt_cool_max" : "52",
"Zone1_2_wt_cool_min" : "2e",
"Zone1_2_rt_heat_max" : "5a",
"Zone1_2_rt_heat_min" : "44",
"Zone1_2_rt_cool_max" : "5a",
"Zone1_2_rt_cool_min" : "44",
"RoomWater_temp" : "90",
"TWI_Temp" : "90",
"TWO_Temp" : "97",
"THO_Temp" : "96",
"TO_Temp" : "2f",
"TFI_Temp" : "00",
"UpdatedDate" : "2023-12-06T11:38:06.43Z",
"Lat" : 0.0,
"Long" : 0.0,
"Model" : "4",
"IsMapped" : false,
"FirstConnectionTime" : "2023-09-11T13:43:20.498Z",
"LastConnectionTime" : "2023-12-06T11:38:06.43Z",
"Cdu" : [
"model_name" : "",
"serial_number" : "",
"firmware_info" : "",
"eeprom_info" : ""
"Fcu" : [
"model_name" : "1101XWHT6W-E",
"serial_number" : "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
"firmware_info" : "2500",
"eeprom_info" : ""
"ConsumerMasterId" : "<master-id>",
"PartitionKey" : "<somekey>",
"IsHeatQuantityActivated" : false,
"timeZone" : "W. Europe Standard Time"
"IsSuccess" : true,
"Message" : "Get Current AC State Successful",
"StatusCode" : "GetCurrentACStateSuccess"
GET https://mobileapi.toshibahomeaccontrols.com/api/Estia/GetConsumerProgramSettings?consumerId=<consumer-id>
"ResObj" : [
"ConsumerId" : "<consumer-id>",
"ACGroupProgramSettings" : [
"ACProgramSettingList" : [
"ACId" : "<ac-id>",
"ConsumerId" : NULL,
"ACUniqueId" : "device-unique-id>",
"ACName" : "<Estia-Name>",
"ACModel" : "4",
"Type" : NULL,
"dstStatus" : "OFF",
"timeZone" : "W. Europe Standard Time",
"schedulerStatus" : "01",
"ACStateDataForProgram" : "08980000030684840100000306484801000000048686908f3000ff010000988448484e52",
"MeritFeature" : "3f",
"PartitionKey" : NULL,
"FlapSetting" : NULL,
"OpeMode" : NULL,
"Cool_temp_max" : NULL,
"Cool_temp_min" : NULL,
"Heat_temp_max" : NULL,
"Heat_temp_min" : NULL,
"Dry_temp_max" : NULL,
"Dry_temp_min" : NULL,
"Auto_temp_max" : NULL,
"Auto_temp_min" : NULL,
"Frost_protect_temp" : NULL,
"SystemConfig" : NULL,
"programSetting" : [
"Sunday" : [
"p1" : "07000898030684ffffffffff",
"p2" : "110008ff02ffffffffffffff",
"p3" : "16000c9803067affffffffff",
"p4" : "220008ff02ffffffffffffff"
"Monday" : [
"p1" : "07000c9803067affffffffff",
"p2" : "113008ff0206ffffffffffff",
"p3" : "2000089803067affffffffff",
"p4" : "220008ff0206ffffffffffff"
"Tuesday" : [
"p1" : "06150898030684ffffffffff",
"p2" : "073008ff02ffffffffffffff",
"p3" : "16000c9803067affffffffff",
"p4" : "220008ff02ffffffffffffff"
"Wednesday" : [
"p1" : "0700089803067affffffffff",
"p2" : "093008ff0206ffffffffffff",
"p3" : "15000c9803067affffffffff",
"p4" : "220008ff02ffffffffffffff"
"Thursday" : [
"p1" : "06150898030684ffffffffff",
"p2" : "073008ff02ffffffffffffff",
"p3" : "16000c9803067affffffffff",
"p4" : "220008ff02ffffffffffffff"
"Friday" : [
"p1" : "07000898030684ffffffffff",
"p2" : "110008ff02ffffffffffffff",
"p3" : "16000c9803067affffffffff",
"p4" : "220008ff02ffffffffffffff",
"Saturday" : [
"p1" : "07000898030684ffffffffff",
"p2" : "110008ff02ffffffffffffff",
"p3" : "16000c9803067affffffffff",
"p4" : "220008ff02ffffffffffffff"
"time" : NULL,
"dst" : [
"Time" : "1711850400",
"Status" : "ON"
"PartitionKey" : NULL,
"GroupId" : "<Group-Id>",
"ConsumerId" : "<Consumer-Id>",
"GroupName" : "All ESTIA",
"Type" : NULL,
"programSetting" : [
"Sunday" : [
"p1" : "",
"p2" : "",
"p3" : "",
"p4" : ""
"Monday" : [
"p1" : "",
"p2" : "",
"p3" : "",
"p4" : ""
"Tuesday" : [
"p1" : "",
"p2" : "",
"p3" : "",
"p4" : ""
"Wednesday" : [
"p1" : "",
"p2" : "",
"p3" : "",
"p4" : ""
"Thursday" : [
"p1" : "",
"p2" : "",
"p3" : "",
"p4" : ""
"Friday" : [
"p1" : "",
"p2" : "",
"p3" : "",
"p4" : ""
"Saturday" : [
"p1" : "",
"p2" : "",
"p3" : "",
"p4" : ""
"time" : "",
"dst" : [
"Time" : "",
"Status" : "",
"IsSuccess" : true,
"Message" : "Success",
"StatusCode" : "Success",