- Stock = https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6768/tree/eleven-upstream
- Stock Mod = https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6768/tree/eleven-upstream-mod
- Stock Mod 2 = https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6768/tree/eleven-upstream-mod2
- main branch for main chages for all kernels qk and neutrino l* kernels = https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6768/tree/20210405/main
- slmk changes for all kernels qk and neutrino l* kernels = https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6768/tree/20210405/main-SLMK
- almk changes for all kernels qk and neutrino l* kernels = https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6768/tree/20210405/main-ALMK
- QK L = https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6768/tree/20210405/qk-l
- QK N = https://github.com/ZyCromerZ/android_kernel_xiaomi_mt6768/tree/20210405/qk-n
Stock Mod :
- same as stock kernels
- add TTL support
- add wireguard support
- enabled ThinLTO
Stock Mod 2 :
- same as stock kernels
- add TTL support
- add wireguard support
- can compiled using gcc 11
- Underclock CPU Big cores/cortex-a75 freq minimal from 850Mhz to 500Mhz
- just normal kernel
- 80Hz kernel timefrequency
- Underclock CPU Big cores/cortex-a75 freq minimal from 850Mhz to 500Mhz
- Undervolt CPU
- just normal kernel
- 100Hz kernel timefrequency
for GPU type- higher kernel timefrequency
- L = CPU : same as stock kernel
- X = GPU : same as stock kernel
- Y = GPU : same as merlin (1.000Mhz) and for lancelot only
- Z = GPU : Overclock to 1.018Mhz
- Neurtino-LZ
- L for Stock CPU frequencies
- Z for Overclock GPU to 1.018Mhz
- about compilers? check here
- what is STOCK-LMK ALMK SLMK? check here
- link download? check here
- what is different between QK and Neutrino? QK only for non oc kernels