Objective: Implement the Lucas-Kanade algorithm to track an object in a video sequence.
- Initialization:
- Draw a bounding box around the target object in the first frame (template).
- Iterative Tracking:
- For each subsequent frame:
- Compute the updated warping parameters between the current frame and the initial frame using lucas kanade.
- Warp the initial bounding box using the updated parameters.
- Draw the bounding box on the current frame and append it to the new video sequence.
- Lucas Kanade Algorithm
Compute the image gradients (Ix and Iy) using Sobel operators.
Perform iterative optimization to estimate the warping parameters:
Update the warp matrix (W) based on the current parameters (p).
Warp the coordinates using the warp matrix.
Extract pixel intensities (T) from the template.
Extract pixel intensities (I) from the next frame at the warped coordinates.
Compute the error (E) between the intensities of the template and the frame.
Compute steepest descent matrix (SD) based on image gradients and coordinates of ROI.
Compute the Hessian matrix (H) using the steepest descent matrix.
Update the warping parameters (p).
Check convergence by evaluating the norm of the parameter update.
Repeat until convergence or maximum iterations are reached.
Return the warped matrix (W) and refined warping parameters (p).
- Car
- Landing Helicopter