A Ruby interface to Archive.org's Wayback Machine Memento API.
gem install wayback
Accessing the Wayback Machine is super-duper easy.
require 'wayback'
Wayback.page('http://www.xolator.com', :first)
You can browse the Rdoc here.
There is no real configuration necessary for accessing the Wayback Machine Memento API, however you can change endpoint and other basic connection options.
The current defaults configurations for this gem are:
Wayback.configure do |c|
c.endpoint = 'http://web.archive.org'
c.endpoint_path = '/web'
c.json_endpoint = 'http://archive.org'
c.json_endpoint_path = '/wayback'
c.connection_options = {
:headers => {:user_agent => "Wayback Ruby Gem #{Wayback::Version}"},
:request => {:open_timeout => 5, :timeout => 10},
:ssl => {:verify => false},
c.identiy_map = false
c.middleware = Faraday::Builder.new do |builder|
# Convert request params to "www-form-urlencoded"
builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
# Follow redirects
builder.use FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects
# Handle 4xx server responses
builder.use Wayback::Response::RaiseError, Wayback::Error::ClientError
# Handle 5xx server responses
builder.use Wayback::Response::RaiseError, Wayback::Error::ServerError
# Parse closest available JSON result
builder.use Wayback::Response::ParseAvailablity
# Parse memento page
builder.use Wayback::Response::ParseMementoPage
# Parse link-format with custom memento parser
builder.use Wayback::Response::ParseMemento
# Set Faraday's HTTP adapter
builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
Fetch the timeline of archived pages
Fetch closest known page to a specified date
Wayback.available('http://www.xolator.com', 20130613055153)
Wayback.available('http://www.xolator.com', :first)
Wayback.available('http://www.xolator.com', :last)
Fetch a specific archived page
Wayback.page('http://www.xolator.com', 20130613055153)
Wayback.page('http://www.xolator.com', :first)
Wayback.page('http://www.xolator.com', :last)
Based heavily on the Twitter gem. (Xièxie!)
More information on Archive's Wayback Machine memento API can be found here.