Install ask-cli and initialize it
$ npm install -g ask-cli
$ ask-cli init
Install awscli
Configure us-east-1 region
Create Lambda function, DynamoDB table and iam roles
$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./infrastructure/music-cloud.json --stack-name music-cloud-stack --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
$ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name music-cloud-stack
Edit .ask/config.template with your skill id and Lambda ARN (aws cloudformation describe-stacks)
Add Alexa Skills Kit trigger for the MusicCloudLambda
To generate the catalog files:
Install and configure awscli
Create user, roles and DynamoDB table, Drobpbox token as described here:
Edit .env.template with your Dropbox token and rename to .env
$ cd dropbox-catalog
$ npm install
$ node index.js upload -d ./mp3/
$ node index.js catalog
Upload catalog files as described in the medium article
Deploy the skill and lambda
$ ask deploy