Coding tasks for the first-year students to get into the Amrita Blockchain Club.
- Develop a simple login page: Input the username and password from the user, convert them into respective hashes, and store them in a text file or csv file. Implement both Register and Login functionality. (No UI required; implement it in the command line interface.)
- Write a program that prints "true" if the Ethereum address is valid; otherwise, print "false." (You can use any Ethereum address from Etherscan for testing.)
- Download and use MetaMask browser extension: Create a MetaMask account and establish the Sepolia testnet. Utilize the Alchemy faucet to request 0.5 ETH.
- Write four lines about what sparked your interest in this Amrita Blockchain Club.
- Create a GitHub account. Fork our 1st-Year-Tasks repository from the club's GitHub. Add your coding files to the repository and mail us your github repository link.
Task 1: Code file
Taks 2: Code file
Task 3: Screenshot
Task 4: Text File
Task 5: Link