released this
27 Nov 08:35
6 commits
to dev/5.3
since this release
This is the first release candidate of the UE5.4 version of the RWTHVRToolkit.
Its main major change concerns the connection to the RWTHVRCluster Plugin and the setup required to run projects on Caves/with nDisplay. From now on, no Cave_Setup or nDisplay DCRA are required to be in the scene. Existing ones should be removed from the scene, otherwise the plugin won't work correctly.
No modifications to any scene are required anymore - as long as they use the correct gamemode and pawn, Cave/nDisplay support should run without any additional steps. The RWTHVRCluster Plugin is still required.
- Adjusts the join/attachment logic for clusters, ideally supporting multi-cluster connections with the help of a custom netdriver plugin
- Removes the Cave_Setup actor, as it is not needed anymore
- Deprecates GetClusterComponent in the Cluster Plugin
- Refactoring of interactions to support basic interaction replication. Click for more details.
- Fixes mouse rotation being applied in an nDisplay setup, leading to very fast rotations
- Now correctly applies movement velocity independent of the controller rotation. This issue led to walking very slowly when not pointing perfectly forward
- Adds right click support for widget interaction
- Enables movement when completely stuck in objects, to allow the user to resolve the collision manually
- Fixes an issue with the TurnComponent Pivot, now correctly rotates around the eye position