GitHub user activity feed plugin for UniBot. Basically plugin just reads GitHub user public activity feed and shows that on IRC channel. These feeds are accessible via following URL:[GitHubUsername].atom
To your UniBot application
npm install git:// --save
And after that register new plugin on IRC channels what you need
plugin [#channel] ghFeed
ps. remember to restart your UnitBot.
You can configure this plugin adding ghFeed
section to your UniBot config.js
file. Example below with
default values.
module.exports = {
plugins: {
"ghFeed": {
"messageCount": {
"default": 1,
"threshold": 2,
"maximum": 5
"moment": {
"locale": "",
"format": "D.M.YYYY HH:mm:ss"
"messages": {
"success": "${timeAgo} ${item.title} - ${messages} - ${shortUrl}",
"errors": {
"threshold": "You did try to fetch more feed items that is allowed! Maximum feed item count is ${config.messageCount.maximum}",
"request": "Oh noes error with request - ${error}",
"feedParser": "Oh noes error with FeedParser - ${error}",
"noItems": "Sorry no GitHub public activity feed items for ${username} - ${url}"
Number of how many feed items plugin will show by default.
Threshold value of messages, when plugin will sent result to user private chat.
Maximum items that plugin will emit messages to user / channel. This is for flood protection.
Used Moment.js locale for formatted timestamps in template variables; timeAgo
. More info at Moment.js#i18n page.
Used format
string for formattedDate
template variable. See possible values from
Moment.js#Format page.
Used message templates. With all of there templates you can use following template variables.
url = GitHub feed URL, like
nick = IRC nick who triggered plugin
username = Parsed GitHub username
config = Current plugin config as an object
Note that some messages can have extra variables too, those are documented under each message.
Message that are shown after feed item(s) have been fetched and parsed for actual message. Note that this message has also following template variables that you can use.
item = Actual feed item object from FeedParser
formattedDate = Formatted date for feed item
timeAgo = How long ago feed item was made
messages = GitHub messages from feed item (commit messages, comment titles, etc.)
shortUrl = Feed item link value as in "shorturl" form
Message that is emitted to user when he/she has requested more feed items that are allowed. Note that this message is sent to user as a private message.
Message that is emitted to user whenever HTTP request error occurs when plugin is processing GitHub feed URL. Note that this message is sent to user as a private message. Note that with this message you can also use following template variable.
error = Request error
Message that is emitted to user whenever FeedParser error occurs when plugin is processing feed item. Note that this message is sent to user as a private message. Note that with this message you can also use following template variable.
error = FeedParser error
Message that is emitted to user when he/she has requested GitHub feeds from user that is a real GitHub user but he/she doesn't have feed items yet. Note that this message is sent to user as a private message.
After installation you can use following commands to use plugin:
!ghFeed => Shows GitHub feeds according to your IRC nick
!ghFeed tarlepp => Shows feeds for 'tarlepp' GitHub user
!ghFeed tarlepp 3 => Shows three (3) feeds for 'tarlepp' GitHub user
Note that default count of items is one (1) and it can be configured.
- Feedparser - Robust RSS, Atom, and RDF feed parsing in Node.js
- Lo-Dash - A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras.
- Moment.js - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in JavaScript.
- cheerio - Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
- node-shorturl - shorturl is a simple, asynchronous client library for common URL shortener services.
Add more GitHub specified actions to this plugin like;
- Repository issue/pr/author/milestone lists (latest, etc.)
- More? Do you have an idea? please make PR here!