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  • This project is a website that pulls data from a real database and users can blog, edit, comment and like.


npm install or yarn

Project Snapshot

Project Skeleton

|       (#Definition of the project)  
├── src
|    ├── index.css
|    ├── index.js
|    ├── App.css
|    ├── App.js
|    ├── app
|    │   └── store.jsx
|    ├── assets
|    │   ├── about.png
|    ├── components
|    │   ├── auth
|    │   │   ├── LoginFom.jsx
|    │   │   └── RegisterForm.jsx
|    │   ├── blog
|    │   │   ├── Card.jsx
|    │   │   ├── CommentCard.jsx
|    │   │   ├── CommentForm.jsx
|    │   │   ├── DeleteModal.jsx
|    │   │   └── UpdateModal.jsx
|    │   ├── FooTer.jsx
|    │   ├── NavBar.jsx
|    ├── features
|    │   ├── authSlice.jsx
|    │   └── blogSlice.jsx
|    ├── helper
|    │   └── ToastNotify.jsx
|    ├── hooks
|    │   ├── useAuthCalls.jsx
|    │   ├── useAxios.jsx
|    │   └── useBlogCalls.jsx
|    ├── pages
|    │   ├── About.jsx
|    │   ├── Dashboard.jsx
|    │   ├── Detail.jsx
|    │   ├── Login.jsx
|    │   ├── NewBlog.jsx
|    │   ├── NotFound.jsx
|    │   ├── Profile.jsx
|    │   └── Register.jsx
|    └── router
|        ├── AppRouter.jsx
|        └── PrivateRouter.jsx


If an account does not exist, an account must be created first to create new blog.

Please pay attention to the following.

  • You cannot comment on your own blog.
  • Once you like a blog, you can't like it again.
  • You cannot update or comment on blogs that do not belong to you.
  • You must be registered to see the blog details.

The project is developed using various libraries, and the libraries used and their purposes are listed below:

  • @reduxjs/toolkit: Used for managing application state with Redux toolkit.
  • react-redux: Used to integrate Redux into the React application.
  • axios: Used for making HTTP requests.
  • react-router-dom: Used for navigation and page routing within the application.
  • @mui/material-ui: Material UI component library used for creating user interface elements.
  • yup: Used for schema validation.
  • @mui/icons-material: Used for using Material UI icons.
  • formik: Used for form handling and validation.
  • react-persist: Used for storing application state in local storage.
  • react-toastify: Used for displaying notification messages.

[Tugba Gokalp]