NLP course @ CS Faculty, HSE
Week 1
- Lecture: Intro to NLP
- Practical: Text preprocessing
Week 2
- Lecture: Word embeddings
- Practical: word2vec, fasttext, basic text classification
- Quiz:
Week 3
- Lecture & Practical: CNN for text classification
- Quiz:
- Homework 1
Week 4:
- Lecture & Practical: Language modelling
Week 5:
- Lecture & Practical: Syntax parsing
- Quiz:
Week 6
Week 7:
- Lecture: Transfer learning in NLP, part 1
- Project p.1
Week 8:
- Lecture: Transfer learning in NLP, part 2
- Quiz:
Week 9
- Lecture: Question answering
- Homework 3
Week 10
- Lecture: Summarization and simplification
- Quiz:
Week 11
- Lecture: Summarization and simplification, p. 2 + presentations
Week 12:
- Lecture: Text normalisation + presentations
- Homework 4
- Project p.2
Week 13:
- Lecture:
Week 14:
- New Year games