Theses are my attempts at the projects from the Modern JavaScript from the Beginning course by Brad Traversy.
The course is available on udemy and other locations. You can also find more cool stuff from Brad on his website Traversy Media.
Chapter 4: Task List
Chapter 4: Loan Calculator
Chapter 4: Number Guesser
Chapter 6: Book List (ES5 Prototype version)
Chapter 6: Book List (ES6 Class version with local storage)
Chapter 7: Chuck Norris Joke Generator (This version uses the api which was used in the chapter lesson. However it doesn't work on GitHub pages because is it not an HTTPS site)
Chapter 7: Chuck Norris Joke Generator (This version uses the api which works on GitHub pages because it is an HTTPS site)
Chapter 7: Chuck Norris Joke Generator (This version uses the this also has category selection to go with random option)