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This is a documentation for the TShock WorldEdit plugin.

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WorldEdit Documentation

Based on the WorldEdit plugin fork by Anzhelika0.

Note: The Grand Design can be used to interact with certain commands such as //p1.


1. Expression Variables

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The following variables can be used in command expressions:

  • t, tile:
    • tile ID (0 for no tile)
    • checks if it is a tile (true/false)
  • nt, ntile: checks if it is not a tile (true/false)
  • w, wall:
    • wall ID (0 for no wall)
    • checks if it is a wall (true/false)
  • nw, nwall: checks if it is not a wall (true/false)
  • x, y: coordinates
  • lh, honey, nlh, nhoney: liquid is honey (true/false)
  • ll, lava, nll, nlava: liquid is lava (true/false)
  • lw, water, nlw, nwater: liquid is water (true/false)
  • li, liquid, nli, nliquid: liquid present/not present (true/false)
  • tp, tilepaint, ntp, ntilepaint: tile paint color (0 for no paint)
  • wp, wallpaint, nwp, nwallpaint: wall paint color (0 for no paint)
  • s, slope, ns, nslope: slope type
  • wire, wire1, wirered, redwire: red wire (true/false)
  • wire2, wireblue, bluewire: blue wire (true/false)
  • wire3, wiregreen, greenwire: green wire (true/false)
  • wire4, wireyellow, yellowwire: yellow wire (true/false)
  • nwire, nwire1, nwirered, nredwire: no red wire (true/false)
  • nwire2, nwireblue, nbluewire: no blue wire (true/false)
  • nwire3, nwiregreen, ngreenwire: no green wire (true/false)
  • nwire4, nwireyellow, nyellowwire: no yellow wire (true/false)
  • a, active, na, nactive: tile active/inactive state
  • ac, actuator, nac, nactuator: actuator present/not present (true/false)

2. Selection Commands

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//all - Sets the selection to the entire world
//point1, //p1 [x] [y] - Sets the first point of the selection
//point2, //p2 [x] [y] - Sets the second point of the selection
//select - Sets the selection function (types: normal, altcheckers, checkers, ellipse, border, outline)
//region [name] - Selects a region as a worldedit selection
//near - Sets the selection to a radius around you
//shift - Shifts the selection (directions: u, d, l, r)
//resize <direction(s)> - Resizes the selection (directions: u, d, l, r)
//magicwand, //mwand, //mw [ ] => expr - Creates selection from contiguous tiles matching expression

Expressions are not used in most of these commands, except for //magicwand.


//point1 100 100
//point2 200 200
//select normal
//resize u 10
//magicwand => t == 1 || t == 2

3. Clipboard Operations

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//copy, //c - Copies the selection to the clipboard
//cut - Copies the selection to the clipboard, then deletes it
//paste, //p [alignment] [-f] [=> expr] - Pastes the clipboard to the selection (alignments: l, r, t, b)
//spaste, //sp [alignment] [-flag -flag ...] [=> expr] - Pastes the clipboard with specific conditions (flags: -t, -tp, -et, -w, -wp, -wi, -l)
//flip - Flips the clipboard (directions: x, y)
//rotate - Rotates the clipboard (angles: 90, 180, 270)
//scale <+/-> - Scales the clipboard

Expressions in //paste and //spaste allow conditional pasting based on existing blocks.


//rotate 90
//paste align=topleft => t == 0
//spaste -t -wp => w != 0

4. Block Manipulation

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//set [=> expr] - Sets tiles in the selection
//setwall, //swa [=> expr] - Sets walls in the selection
//replace, //rep [=> expr] - Replaces tiles in the selection
//replacewall, //repw [=> expr] - Replaces walls in the selection
//fill [=> expr] - Fills the selection with the specified tile
//fillwall, //fillw [=> expr] - Fills the selection with the specified wall
//coat, //co [-]<echo|e|illuminant|i|none|n> [=> expr] - Coats tiles in the selection
//coatwalls, //coatwall, //cw [-]<echo|e|illuminant|i|none|n> [=> expr] - Coats walls in the selection

Expressions allow conditional execution based on existing blocks.


//set stone => t == 0
//replace dirt stone => t != 0
//fillwall wood => w == 0
//coat echo => t != 0

5. Biome and Environment

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//biome - Converts biomes in the selection (biomes: forest, corruption, crimson, hallow, jungle, mushroom, snow, desert, ocean, hell)
//flood - Floods liquids in the selection (liquids: water, lava, honey)
//drain - Drains liquids in the selection
//mow - Mows grass, thorns, and vines in the selection
//fixgrass - Fixes suffocated grass in the selection
//setgrass [=> expr] - Sets certain grass in the selection (grass types: forest, corruption, crimson, hallow, jungle, mushroom)

Expressions are used in the //setgrass command.


//biome forest corruption
//flood water
//setgrass jungle => t == 0

6. Aesthetic Modifications

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//paint, //pa [=> expr] - Paints tiles in the selection
//paintwall, //paw [=> expr] - Paints walls in the selection
//slope [=> expr] - Slopes tiles in the selection (types: none, t, tr, tl, br, bl)
//delslope, //delslopes, //dslope, //dslopes [type] [=> expr] - Removes slopes in the selection
//smooth [=> expr] - Smooths blocks in the selection
//outline, //ol [=> expr] - Sets block outline around blocks (states: active, inactive)
//outlinewall, //olw [color] [=> expr] - Sets wall outline around walls

Expressions allow conditional application based on existing blocks or positions.


//paint red => t != 0
//slope halfbrick => y % 2 == 0
//smooth => t == 1 || t == 2

7. Advanced Shaping

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//shape, //shapefill, //shapef [rotate] [flip] <tile/wall> [=> expr] - Draws shapes in the selection
//shapewall, //shapew, //shapewallfill, //shapewf [rotate] [flip] [=> expr] - Draws shapes with walls in the selection
(Shapes: line/l, rectangle/r, ellipse/e, isoscelestriangle/it, righttriangle/rt)
(Rotate types for triangles: up/u, down/d, left/l, right/r)
(Flip types for right triangles: left/l, right/r)
//text - Creates text with alphabet statues in the selection

Expressions in shape commands allow conditional shape drawing.


//shape circle stone => t == 0
//shapefill rectangle dirt => t != 0
//text Hello World

8. Wire and Mechanisms

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//actuator <on/off> [=> expr] - Sets actuators in the selection
//setwire, //swi [=> expr] - Sets wires in the selection (wires: 1, 2, 3, 4; states: on, off)
//inactive, //ia [=> expr] - Sets the inactive status in the selection (status: on, off, reverse)

Expressions allow conditional application of mechanisms.


//actuator on => t != 0
//setwire 1 on => t == 1 || t == 2

9. Fixes and Cleanup

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//fixghosts - Fixes invisible signs, chests and item frames
//fixhalves - Fixes half blocks in the selection
//fixslopes - Fixes covered slopes in the selection
//killempty <signs/chests/all> - Deletes empty signs and/or chests

Expressions are not used in these commands.


//killempty all

10. Schematic Operations

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//schematic, //schem, //sc - Manages worldedit schematics

  • delete, del
  • list [page]
  • load, l
  • save, s [-force/-f]
  • copysave, cs [-force/-f]
  • paste, p [alignment] [-f] [=> expr] - Pastes the clipboard to the selection
    (Alignment options: l, r, t, b or any combination like lt, rb. l=left, r=right, t=top, b=bottom)

//size <clipboard/c> [user name] - Shows size of clipboard
//size <schematic/s> - Shows size of schematic

Expressions are not used in these commands.


//schematic save myhouse
//schematic load myhouse
//size schematic myhouse

11. History Management

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//undo [steps] [account] - Undoes worldedit actions
//redo [steps] [account] - Redoes worldedit actions

Expressions are not used in these commands.


//undo 5
//redo 3

12. Miscellaneous

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//move [=> expr] - Moves tiles from the selection to new area
//activate - Activates non-working objects
(Types: sign/s, chest/c, itemframe/i/frame, sensor/l/logic, dummy/d/targetdummy, weaponrack/w, pylon/p, mannequin/m, hatrack/h, foodplate/f/plate, all/a)

Expressions can be used in the //move command.


//move 10 5 => t != 0
//activate all


This is a documentation for the TShock WorldEdit plugin.






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