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Sandrem edited this page Dec 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

(For version 0.3.2)

DiceRoll class is used to store information about rolled dice

Public properties:

  • DiceList - list of Die objects.
  • Type - Attack / Defence.
  • CheckType - Combat / Check / Virtual (assigned damage, for example).
  • CurrentDiceRoll - static property.
  • CancelCritsFirst - for Zeb Orrelios, for example.
  • Number - number of dice in pool
  • ResultsArray - array of DieSide results (is used for network synchronization)
  • IsEmpty
  • Successes - number of evades for defence dice, or number of hits+crits for attack dice
  • RegularSuccesses - number of evades for defence dice, or number of regular hits for attack dice
  • CriticalSuccesses - number of critical hits for attack dice
  • Focuses - number of focus results
  • FocusesNotRerolled - number of focus results that can be rerolled
  • Blanks - number of blank results
  • BlanksNotRerolled - number of blank results that can be rerolled
  • NotRerolled - number of dice that can be rerolled
  • Selected - List of Die that are selected in RerollManager
  • SelectedCount - number of dice that are selected in RerollManager

Public methods:

  • AddDice - adds a die to this DiceRoll. Use ShowWithoutRoll to show dice in dice pool.
  • ApplyFocus - change all focus results to hit/evade results
  • ApplyEvade - add die with evade result and show it in dice pool
  • Change - change number of DieSide to another DieSide
  • ChangeOne - change one DieSide to another DieSide
  • ChangeAll - change all of DieSide to another DieSide
  • RemoveAllFailures - remove all blank and focus dice from this DiceRoll
  • CancelHits - remove all hit and crit results from this DiceRoll
  • CancelAllResults - remove all dice from this DiceRoll
  • OrganizeDicePositions - for each die in pool, set new position and fix rotation to see all results without problems. Call it if you added new die to dice pool.
  • SelectBySides - select a number of dice with specified DieSides