Version 0.9.7
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
(iOS build will be released later)
- Name of project is changed to "Fly Casual" instead of "Fly Casual: X-Wing TMG Simulator". Path to settings is changed - this caused reset of settings for v0.9.7, old saved squadrons are not available from v0.9.7 anymore. If you use mobile device - please, delete old version of this app before installation of new version (otherwise you will see 2 icons - of old and new version).
- If you used development builds after release of previous v0.9.6 - please, delete folder "%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Sandrem\Fly Casual\Second Edition\RandomAiSquadrons" to avoid errors during start of "vs random AI squad" matches (this folder can contain squads with outdated format). If you used only versions from "Releases" page - ignore this warning.
- January 2020 points update (by rune-b).
- January 2020 errata (by rune-b): Goji only works with bombs, changes in Odd Balls ability, timing of ability of Agent Kallus, Static Disccharge Vanes now cause damage, Composure action restriction, Gas clouds can now cause strain. (Known issue: Changes of tractor beam are not implemented yet.)
- Support of XWS format for X-Wing 2.0 - now you can import/export squads from/to popular squad builders. Old files of squadrons are not supported anymore. If you have issues with import/export in XWS format - please, report here.
- Random AI squadrons are updated: old files are removed, 34 new squadrons are added.
- "Stats" menu is added - now you can see overall statistics of dice for all "human vs AI" matches. (This will not stop conspiracy theories, but...)
- Mobile devices: Both landscape modes are supported.
- By rune-b: Morna Kee, "Vagabond", G4R-G0R V/M, Paige Tico (pilot), Ronith Blario, Zizi Tlo, Kallus (rebel), Leia Organa (pilot), Gina Moonsong, K-2S0 (crew), Stabilized S-Foils.
- By CrazyVulcan: Fireball model.
- By Matthew Cohen: awesome photos of miniatures as new menu backgrounds and splash screens.
- By Sandrem: Kazuda Xiono, First Order Provocateur
By rune-b:
- Improved trigger names to make Swarm Tactics easier to use.
- AI with adv. targeting computer should prioritize Lock over Focus.
- Zuckuss ability should only assign stress if a die was actually rerolled.
- Fixed R5-X3 timing.
- Don't allow player to rotate AI ships.
- Fix of issues with Foresight and Snap Shot.
- Cost of Sun Fac is fixed.
- Ability of Berwer Kret is fixed.
- Special Weapons from Illicit and Talent upgrades should not be treated as primary weapons.
- Pattern analyser should work when doing a 0-stop maneuver while bumped.
- Fixed bug with jamming and tractor tokens.
- Baze should cause action to be red, not just assign stress token.
- Tel Trevura should not be considered destroyed after using ability - fixed.
- Heighened Perception doesn't have cleanup for trigger in the code - fixed.
- Added Force as weapon type (Foresight fix).
By Benny Tsai:
- Y-wing Oddball ability doesn't need to fully execute maneuver.
- Fix of Ved Foslo ability when moving 1-forward.
- Fix: Wolffe ability to recharge when Always is selected.
- Fix: Ruthless sometimes not damaging friendly ship.
- Fix of DBS-32C initiative .
- R4 Astromech - behavior is updated.
- Kanan's ability timing is updated.
- Leia Organa (Resistance) - typo is fixed.
By Sandrem:
- Fix of non-weapon missile upgrades and AI target lock planning.
Thanks for support
Rick Servello, Charlie King, Vittorio Rosa, Spencer Loper, Alan Michael, Ross Kushnereit, John Snape, Benny Tsai, Bryan Froh, Trevor Savage, Rebecca Louise Goddammit, Jake Asplund, Wade Crossman, Mitchell Thomann, Andrew Brennand, Adam Mitkiewicz, Andrew Lippens, Ben Sturgis, Ben Nilsson, Andrew Girle, Ignatius Bug, Christopher Naylor, Robin Farnsworth, James Kantor, Chris Schultz, Piers Horgan, slimfitcasual, Brian Hall, Xcaliber C., Steve Waters, Radu Lepsa, Robert Kukuchka, Landon, Steffen Lydvo, Jim Henrickson, Brian Roller, Patrick Boyajian, Carey, Joshua Addington, Robert Craig, Thomas McFarland, Joseph Moore, shea steinbacher, Remo Reber, Dennis Daniels, Christian Mumma, Patrick Boyle, marshall Grover, Ryan McCord, Troy Ready, Sam Gardner, Fabian Falconett, Stuart, Scott Forster, David Gausebeck, Alan Michael, Craig Scanlan, Damon Jones, shaun p kelleher, Michael Theriot, SCOTT EICHHORN, Flinchy Thumbs, John Worrall, Wade Crossman, Spqan x, Robert Choi, Graham Saunders, ottu, Matt Johnson, Daniel Orkwis, Tom Hohl, Willy Fortin, Hans Johansson, Matt Brown, STEVE SILVA, Steve Ransom, Marc Tello Martinez
- Android build is re-uploaded.