Version 0.2.0
New features:
Support of new content by engine:
- Large ships
- Different firing arcs
- Bombs and mines
Better lighting
Skins for ships
- Updates checker in main menu
- Menu can be called by pressing ESC button
- You can exit to main menu during or after battle
- New ship info panels
- New maneuver selection window
- Flying numbers of dealt damage
- Assigned maneuvers are shown
Small squad builder rework
New content:
By sandrem:
- All Wave 2-5 ships with generic pilots are added and fully supported
- Wave 2 pilots: Lando Carlissian, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Krassis Trelix, Kath Scarlet, Turr Phennir
- Wave 2 upgrades: Proximity Mines, Seismic Charges, Elusiveness, Sensor Jammer, Luke Skywalker, Heavy Laser Cannon, Gunner, Chewbacca, Expose, Deadeye, Homing Missiles, Draw Their Fire
- Bonus: A-Wing Test Pilot, TIE Shuttle, TIE/x1, Bombardier
- Extra Bonus: all wave 6-11 ships with generic pilots are added with partial supports (some actions and maneuvers are missing, cannot be controlled by AI)
By rune-b:
- Wave 2 pilots: Tycho Celchu, Arvel Crynyd
- Wave 2 upgrades: Mercenary Copilot, Nien Nunb, Slave I, Millennium Falcon
- Bonus: Chardaan Refit, Moldy Crow, Twin Ion Engine Mk II, Wired, Bomb Loadout, B-Wing/E2, Andrasta, Royal Guard TIE, Recon Specialist, Rebel Captive, ST-321, Long-Range Scaners
By bwakefield27:
- Wave 2 pilot: Fel's Wrath
- Wave 2 upgrades: Push The Limit, Assault Missiles, Stealth Device
- Bonus: Advance Proton Torpedoes,
By thordurk91:
- Wave 2 upgrades: Engine Upgrade, Ion Cannon
- Upgrades: Twin Laser Turret, Mangler Cannon
Also a lot of bugfixes...
Thanks for support:
- Darren Holdaway
- Þórður Karl Sigvaldason
- Landon
- Marc Norris
- Charles Andrews
- Julian Domayer
- Sam Gardner
- Sean Esler