In the following, we explain the scripts and datasets used for the experiments of the SSBSE 2023 challenge paper "Evaluating Explanations for Software Patches Generated by Large Language Models":
This folder contains the ARJAe-generated patches. Patches taken from:
This folder contains the human-written patches. Patches taken from:
This folder contains the requests and the LLM's responses for all considered patches and runs.
A CSV file containing the results for all patches and runs.
Scripts to build long diffs (the complete file). E.g., ARJAe/Chart_5/long_diff.patch.
The script needed to run the LLM requests via API.
You need an additional file named with the following contents to run this script:
api_key = 'Your OpenAI API key'
Contains helper functions needed by the script.
Generates the data for the results table.