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HW5 Message Board

SI669 Fall 2023

Video Walkthrough

Please see the Demo Video.

Learning Goals

  • Practice working with reading and writing data, especially using realtime updates, in Firebase
  • Practice working with Firebase queries

Project Goals

  • Modify a Message Board app so that the user can read from and post to different "boards" within the app

What to Do

  1. Accept the GitHub Classroom invitation.
  2. Clone the repo that is created to your local machine.
  3. cd into the directory that was created when you cloned the repo (it should be called something like si-669-hw5-message-board-<your-github-id>).
  4. Execute npm install
  5. Implement any changes required to allow the user read from and post to the three boards already specified in the app (#general, #announcements, #random)
  6. Push your final changes to GitHub before the deadline.
  7. Create a screencast video and submit the link to Canvas before the deadline.
  8. Indicate in your Canvas comments which requirements (including extra credit) you believe you met.


  • To get full credit, you will need to use Firebase queries (i.e., not separate collections) to select messages for each board. To support this, you can add an additional field to each message that keeps track of which board the message belongs to. This approach is also WAY easier than using separate collections. The "board" just becomes metadata on each message that you can use for filtering.
  • The starter code is set up to allow the app to unsubscribe and resubscribe to the updates from the 'messageBoard' collection at any time. This allows you to change the query whose updates you are listening for.
  • Remember that you can have useEffect run on every render (don't provide a second argument) or run only once (provide an empty list as the second argument). You can also have it run only when specified variables change. For example, useEffect(()=>{/*function*/}, [foo]) would run after any render if and only if the value of foo had changed since the previous render. This information is likely to come in handy.
  • You will need to cause things to happen in your app from another instance of the app, but you don't need to include video from both instances in your submission video. Just having things happen in the recorded app without any action by the current user is enough!
  • Even though the starter code shows timestamps, you do not need to make the messages show in chronological order. This is actually a bit tricky (to filter AND order messages with a Firebase query), so that part is extra credit!

Grading (up to 120 points)

No. Requirement Points
1 Messages posted to a specific board are displayed on that board 15
2 Messages posted to a specific board are NOT displayed on any other board 15
3 Messages posted to a specific board are still displayed on that board after the app reloads 15
4 Messages posted to a specific board are still NOT displayed on OTHER boards after the app reloads 15
5 Messages posted to a specific board remotely are shown in that board and only that board 15
6 Messages posted to a specific board remotely are still shown in the correct board after the app reloads 15
7 [Code Review] The code correctly uses a Firebase query to select messages to display on each board 15
8 [Code Review] The code correctly runs useEffect() when necessary, and not otherwise 15
Total 120

Extra Credit

Add an "#all" board that displays messages from all boards. Messages posted to the "#all" board should only show up on "#all". Also allow user to choose whether to display messages for each board in ascending or descending chronological order. This is a bit trickier than it seems at first! See the Demo Video.

Grading (up to 4 points)

No. Requirement Points
1 Messages posted to any board are displayed when the "#all" board is selected 1
2 Sort order buttons change color correctly, and messages are displayed in the selected chronological order (ascending or descending) 1
2 Sort order is preserved when changing boards (same order applies to all boards) 1
3 [Code Review] Code correctly uses Firebase queries to both select messages and put them in order 1
Total 4


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