Batch proccessing that converts PicoQuant PTU files into fluorescent multicolour images.
Example: 2D multicolour image with PIE excitation
The script is developed and tested on Python 3.7.9, Install:
- wx python 4.0.4 for the file selector app.
- PicoQuant PTU file reader:
Script is used on a Picoquant MT200 with FLIMBEE laserscanner with 4x SPAD detectors and a multiharp 150.
the main purpose of the MultiChannel script is one can proccess multiple PTU files or a folder with PTU files and get a series Fluorescent multicolor images with minimal user input. Usefull for screening results during imaging and to be used in presentations.
Scripts features:
- File Check, if it is a 2D image.
- Autodetects the number of APD channels.
- Supports 'PIE' and 'normal' excitation.
- Features Zstack image projection and FRET efficiency.
- Common exp file-errors are catched and reported in the end.
- Output images are stored in a seperate folder.
Detector Channels need to be configured:
- Ch, NameLabel, Coloring, Gain, PIE TimeGate, FRET
Config1 = Set_Channel_Info(1, 'Alexa647' , 'Red' ,2 ,1 , 'donor')
Config2 = Set_Channel_Info(2, 'Alexa488' , 'Green' ,2 ,2 , 'acceptor')
Config3 = Set_Channel_Info(3, 'DAPI-1 , 'Blue' ,2 ,3 , '-')
Config4 = Set_Channel_Info(4, 'DAPI-2' , 'Blue' ,2 ,3 , '-')
Namelabel: name of the used coloring or dye.
Coloring: available colors are 'Red', 'Green', 'YGreen' , 'Blue', 'Magenta', 'Cyan', 'Orange','Yellow'
Gain: each channel is normalized from [0:1] to the max brightness in the image, use gain value to increase the brightness
PIE TimeGate: Contrast can be enhanced by using PIE excitation in the experiment to supress any cross-excitation
- NOTE: LASER fire order is first the longest wavelenght down to shortest wavelenght as last.
FRET: if applicable assign FRET 'donor', and 'acceptor' channels and enable FRET =True
Zstack image projection can be made on multiple selected Z stack files. Set Zstack=True and Plot_OrthogonalProjections=True
Save Image Intensity [count] as comma separated file .dat Set Save_data_files = True
PIE TAC ranges are automatically calculated from the .PTU header data.
- Change the laser lines in order of the SEPIAII rackposition SEPIA_laser_lines=[638,560,488,405]. If lasers are in installed in different SEPIAII rack positions assign these in def Read_laserLines() atribute=[200,300,400,500] #names of the lasers modules in ptu headerfile of rack position [2,3,4,5]
- Set the objective full name in Symphotimetime64 application or in the function Read_objective()
- Set the Channel configuration according optical setup.
- Read and set all options in the section --- USER input--- upon description.
- Run the
- Note the pop-up window in the taskbar and browse and select the PTU files.
- PTU files are proccessed, and images are shown in the command line. (large PTU files can take some time to proccess)
- Images and data files are saved in folder /Python_converted_* Username* /
- Errors on files are listed in the end, in many cases these are Single Point or cancelled 2D measurements.
Known limitations:
- For bi-directional FLIMBEE scanning, the readPTU_flim needs to be modified, code upon request, modification needed in the readPTU_FLIM code aug '21.
- Multiframe PTU conversion appears to skip a Frame, modification needed in the readPTU_FLIM code. aug '21
v1.0 July 2021 Robert Molenaar
Example: Z-stack maximum-projectionm with 3 ch PIE excitation
wx 'GUI_select_Multi_file' app prompts to select (multiple) data files.
The main For-loop proccesses all files sequentially.
The PTU file is read by "ptu_file = PTUreader((path), print_header_data = False)"
File is checked if it's a 2D image file:
The PTU file is converted "flim_data_stack, intensity_image = ptu_file.get_flim_data_stack()"
FLIM stack is checked for avaialbe channels 'ch_list, ch_listst=Channels_list(flim_data_stack)'
first a CS (ColorStack) is created and [ch,x,y,RGB]
second a CZ (Channel_Z) is created (Z slices, x,y,ch] 7A. Filling CZ and CS based on PIE excitation out of the flim_data_stack
- Calculate the TimeGates
- CZ Extract from flim_dat_stack the corresponding Ch and PIE-timeGate the stack
- CS Extract from flim_dat_stack the corresponding Ch and PIE-timeGate the stack, and convert to colour plane by Fill_Colour() 7B. Filling CZ and CS based on Normal excitation out of the flim_data_stack
- CZ Extract from flim_dat_stack the corresponding Ch and full TAC range the stack
- CS Extract from flim_dat_stack the corresponding Ch and full TAC range the stack, and convert to colour plane by Fill_Colour().
Data files are saved
Images are created according the number of avaialble channels
Optional FRET
- FRET donor TimeGate and channels are regognized.
- FRET efficiency is calculated per pixel.
- Images are made. caption information is extracted from the 'configX' avaialble from the 'ch_list'
- Mask intensity for FRET efficiency and histogram.
Z stack image projection and Orthogonal planes are made.
- CZ contains [z, x,y,ch]
- For the XY plane the 'mean'or 'max' value is used for the x,y pixel value for each color channel.