Install/upgrade a Satellite6 Capsule server using ansible playbooks.
Satellite 6.4 or later version server. The Satellite server will be used as the Ansible control node.
Target server(s) for Capsule installation/upgrade.
Password-less ssh from Satellite to all required capsules.
You can run install/upgrade/update on one or more capsule servers at one time.
Make sure that the required firewall ports are opened in your Capsule and Satellite servers.
Activation Key / Content view with the following repos:
- rhel-7-server-rpms
- rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms
- rhel-7-server-satellite-capsule-<capsule_version>-rpms
- rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-<capsule_version>-rpms
or later..
- Capsule 6.4 or later version installation.
- Capsule 6.4 or later upgrade.
- Capsule z-stream update.
On the Satellite server:
package. Ansible should be installed from Satellite maintenance channel.# subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-satellite-maintenance-6-rpms # yum install -y ansible
git clone this project.
# git clone
# cd capsule-maintain
- Copy the vars configuration file.
# cp vars.sample.yml vars.yml
file, update the following parameters:capsule_version
- Version of the capsule (6.4
, or later)to be installed.satellite_org_label
- (applicable to install only) Label of the Satellite Organization to which the capsule needs to be registered.satellite_activation_key
- (applicable to install only) Activation key of the Satellite Organization to which the capsule needs to be registered.skip_katello_agent
- (applicable to install only) Set to true to not install katello-agent. (defaults to false)
file with the capsule(s) hostname(s). -
Use the Capsule install or upgrade playbook:
- Capsule Install:
ansible-playbook capsule-install-playbook.yml
- Capsule Upgrade (y-stream):
ansible-playbook capsule-upgrade-playbook.yml
- Capsule Update (z-stream):
ansible-playbook capsule-update-playbook.yml