Command line utility for Shells Developers of our CloudShell platform. It helps in creating a new shell based on a template, build an installable shell package and install a shell into your CloudShell instance.
- To show list of available shell templates
- To create a new shell based on an existing template
- To generate Python classes based on your data model, either XML or TOSCA YAML
- To package a shell
- To create set of dependencies for offline usage
- To import a shell into your CloudShell
- To publish a shell on Quali Community
$ python -m pip install shellfoundry
$ shellfoundry new nutshell
For detailed usage information refer to this guide
For questions, bug reports or feature requests, please refer to the Issue Tracker. Also, make sure you check out our Issue Template.
All your contributions are welcomed and encouraged. We've compiled detailed information about:
Development of ShellFoundry would not have been possible without the open source libraries it depends on: