Computational Scientist @ Chicago Booth
Research Fellow @ JPMorgan Chase
ML & DL Practitioner
🤗LLMs & GPU Computing Enthusiast
AI & Data Engineer
I turn my data science workflow into R packages, and I use my R packages to enhance my data science workflow. It is a coherent cycle.
- {tidyEmoji} - Discovers Emoji from Text
- {ggchangepoint} - Combines Changepoint Analysis with 'ggplot2'
- {ggDoubleHeat} - A heatmap-like visualization tool
- {worlddatajoin} - Join 'WDI', 'countrycode', and the World Map Together
And many more packages to come!
I participate the TidyTuesday project weekly by visualizing the data and then tweeting the visualizations. You can check out the code at {TidyTuesdayWork} and view the visualizations at my Twitter, where I showcase them.
Also, I do write data science blogs and post them on my website. You can check them out here.