This project aims to build a general abstraction above all major DLP APIs. A core feature is to provide a rest api used to trigger jobs in each underlying DLP implementation. The project consists of the following modules:
- hawk-dlp-common module containing the abstract dlp schema with Jackson JSON mappers
- hawk-dlp-integration module containing job abstractions and common spring utilities
- hawk-dlp-integration-google-cloud-dlp2 module containing the schema and endpoint implementation for CDLP V2
- hawk-dlp-integration-amazon-macie2 module containing the schema and endpoint implementation for Macie V2
Either hawk-dlp-integration-google-cloud-dlp2 or hawk-dlp-integration-amazon-macie2 must be started be to enable DLP. See Google or Amazon for configuration setup.
Start aws macie demo:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name amazon-macie-demo \
--template-body file://macie.yaml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Make
only once per table-column tuple OR addCellContainerOccurrence
- Handle Macie / DLP errors (extract them via. API)
- Handle multi page results in Macie / GCP?
- Add logging
- Test GCP DLP integration with real GCP account
- Generate OpenAPI spec (SpringDoc)
- Add CI pipeline
- Add integration specific readme's for deployment, authentication etc.
- Add integration tests
- Remove memory leak in