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This project aims to build a Book recommendation system using methods such as Model, Collaborative, and Content-based filtering.

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Book Recommendation System


What is recommender System?

  • Based on previous(past) behaviours, it predicts the likelihood that a user would prefer an item.
  • For example, Netflix uses recommendation system. It suggest people new movies according to their past activities that are like watching and voting movies.
  • The purpose of recommender systems is recommending new things that are not seen before from people.

Recommender systems:

Content based filtering:

  • Content-Based recommender system tries to guess the features or behavior of a user given the itemโ€™s features, he/she reacts positively to.
  • Once, we know the likings of the user we can embed user's choice in an embedding space using the feature vector generated and recommend accordingly.

collaborative filtering:

  • Collaborative does not need the features of the items to be given. Every user and item is described by a feature vector or embedding.
  • It creates embedding for both users and items on its own. It embeds both users and items in the same embedding space.
  • It considers other usersโ€™ reactions while recommending a particular user. It notes which items a particular user likes and also the items that the users with behavior and likings like him/her likes, to recommend items to that user.
  • It collects user feedbacks on different items and uses them for recommendations.

Model-based collaborative filtering

  • Remembering the matrix is not required here. From the matrix, we try to learn how a specific user or an item behaves. We compress the large interaction matrix using dimensional Reduction or using clustering algorithms. In this type, We fit machine learning models and try to predict how many ratings will a user give a product.
  • There are several methods:
    Clustering algorithms
    Matrix Factorization based algorithm
    Deep Learning methods

Similarity Metrics:

They are mathematical measures which are used to determine how similar is a vector to a given vector. Similarity metrics used mostly:

  • Cosine Similarity: The Cosine angle between the vectors.
  • Dot Product: The cosine angle and magnitude of the vectors also matters.
  • Euclidian Distance: The elementwise squared distance between two vectors
  • Pearson Similarity: It is a coefficient given by:


This project aims at finding the multiple ways that our data can recommend books.


Book-Crossing: User review ratings

This dataset Contains 278,858 users (anonymized but with demographic information) providing 1,149,780 ratings (explicit / implicit) about 271,379 books.

Data Fields:

Field Description
User-ID Book reader's unique user ID
ISBN ISBN of book
Book Rating Book rating by individual user
Book Title Book title
Book Author Book author
Publisher Book publisher
Age Age of user
City City where user is from
State State where user is from
Country Country where user is from
Category Book Category
Language Language of the book
Summary Short summary about the book
img_* Book cover image


Libraries: NumPy pandas nltk matplotlib sklearn

Content Based Filtering (Title, Author, Publisher, Genre):

common_books['index'] = [i for i in range(common_books.shape[0])]
target_cols = ['book_title','book_author','publisher','Category']
common_books['combined_features'] = [' '.join(common_books[target_cols].iloc[i,].values) for i in range(common_books[target_cols].shape[0])]
cv = CountVectorizer()
count_matrix = cv.fit_transform(common_books['combined_features'])
cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(count_matrix)
x_counts_df  = pd.DataFrame(count_matrix.toarray())
x_counts_df.columns = cv.get_feature_names()
cosine_data_ = pd.DataFrame(cosine_sim)
cosine_data_.index = common_books.book_title
cosine_data_.columns = common_books.book_title

index = common_books[common_books['book_title'] == book_title]['index'].values[0]
sim_books = list(enumerate(cosine_sim[index]))
sorted_sim_books = sorted(sim_books,key=lambda x:x[1],
books = []
for i in range(len(sorted_sim_books)):
    books.append(common_books[common_books['index'] == sorted_sim_books[i][0]]['book_title'].item())

Note: We have separated rare and common books on the basis of number of user ratings.


cosine_data_["The Da Vinci Code"].sort_values(ascending = False)
The Da Vinci Code                                   1.000000
The Catcher in the Rye                              0.426401
The Client                                          0.400892
The King of Torts                                   0.353553
A Map of the World                                  0.335410

Content based Filtering based on Summary of the book:

common_books = common_books.drop_duplicates(subset = ["book_title"])
common_books.reset_index(inplace = True)
common_books['index'] = [i for i in range(common_books.shape[0])]
summary_filtered = []
for i in common_books['Summary']:
    i = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z]"," ",i).lower()
    i = nltk.word_tokenize(i)
    i = [word for word in i if not word in set(stopwords.words("english"))]
    i = " ".join(i)
common_books['Summary'] = summary_filtered   
cv = CountVectorizer()
count_matrix = cv.fit_transform(common_books['Summary'])
cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(count_matrix)
index = common_books[common_books['book_title'] == book_title]['index'].values[0]
sim_books = list(enumerate(cosine_sim[index]))
sorted_sim_books = sorted(sim_books,key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)[1:6]
books = []
for i in range(len(sorted_sim_books)):
    books.append(common_books[common_books['index'] == sorted_sim_books[i][0]]['book_title'].item())


Item based collaborative filtering:

user_book_df = common_books.pivot_table(index=['user_id'],
book = user_book_df[book_title]
recom_data = pd.DataFrame(user_book_df.corrwith(book). \
if book_title in [book for book in recom_data['book_title']]:
    recom_data = recom_data.drop(recom_data[recom_data['book_title'] == book_title].index[0])
    low_rating = []
for i in recom_data['book_title']:
    if df[df['book_title'] == i]['rating'].mean() < 5:
if recom_data.shape[0] - len(low_rating) > 5:
    recom_data = recom_data[~recom_data['book_title'].isin(low_rating)]
recom_data = recom_data[0:5]    
recom_data.columns = ['book_title','corr']


Content based filtering using Nearest Neighbors:

user_book_df = common_books.pivot_table(index=['book_title'],
# creating sparace matrix
user_book_df_matrix = csr_matrix(user_book_df.values)
model_knn = NearestNeighbors(metric="cosine", algorithm="brute")
book_index= user_book_df.index.to_list().index(book_title)
distances, indices = model_knn.kneighbors(user_book_df.iloc[book_index,:].values.reshape(1,-1), n_neighbors =6)


Comparing all the methods:

Results for the book: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5)"

Lessons Learned

Recommendation Systems Collaborative filtering Content based filtering Similarity Metrics


Book recommendation using cosine similarity


Recommendation systems
Recommender systems tutorial


If you have any feedback, please reach out at [email protected]

๐Ÿš€ About Me

Hi, I'm Pradnya! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I am an AI Enthusiast and Data science & ML practitioner

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This project aims to build a Book recommendation system using methods such as Model, Collaborative, and Content-based filtering.







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