Fit data to mixtures of truncated multivariate gaussians
- Full, Diagonal and Block diagonal covariances for each component
- Inteface to allow one to perform the fit in some latent space given by a user-defined transformation, and carry along any target labels
- Sampling and pdf evaluation from the resultant fit
You can install this library using
pip install truncatedgaussianmixtures
You can then import truncatedgaussianmixtures. At the first import it may take a while, since this will create a local julia installation. This will only happen once at the first ever import.
The main function to use is fit_gmm
. The following is a simple example use case.
import pandas as pd
from truncatedgaussianmixtures import fit_gmm
# Generate some data
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(80_000, 2), columns=["x", "y"])
# Truncated it to the unit square
cond = (df['x'] < 1) & (df['x'] > 0)
cond &= (df['y'] < 1) & (df['y'] > 0)
df = df[cond]
# Fit it a truncated gaussian mixture model to it
gmm = fit_gmm(data = df, # data to fit to
N = 1, # Number of components of the mixture model
a = [0,0], # lower corner of the truncation
b = [1,1], # upper corner of the truncation
cov = "diag" # covariance structure: any of ("diag", "full")
# Sample from the gmm
df_fit = gmm.sample(len(df));
# Evaluate it at different points