This app shows how to connect to the internet via a GSM modem using the PPP protocol.
GPIO pins that are used for UART interface for ESP32:
- RX GPIO: 3
- TX GPIO: 1
- RX GPIO: 25
- TX GPIO: 26
- RX GPIO: 16
- TX GPIO: 17
The hardware that we are using:
- ESP32 Dev Board
- SIM868 Module Board
- UART 1 is used
- Common GND for ESP32 and SIM868 module
- GPIO15 of ESP32 is connected to GPIO7 (RPi Board) pin on SIM868 module. Pulling it low for 4 seconds and then pulling it high turns the module on.
- Dedicated power supply to SIM868 is required otherwise it would keep restarting.
PPP library automatically connects to the GPRS network and obtains an IP address.