This repository consist of the parser function which will be used by the autograder for the Project-Phase-1. Follow these steps to check if your code would run properly with the autograder.
- Linux / MacOs
- git
- python3.8 or later
git clone
Inside the
file, update the ENV variable with the correct Github token and log file path
# Example
GITHUB_TOKEN = "ghp_*************"
LOG_FILE = "/Users/parth/ECE461_git/Part-1-CLI-Checker/checker.log"
Set the path your code directory, please enter the full path to your code folder here.
REPO_PATH = "/Users/parth/ECE461_git/group1phase1"
Then run the checker
You should see output similar to this if everything is correct
Testing './run install'...
Install command exited successfully!
Subsequent test command exited successfully!
Subsequent URL_FILE command exited successfully!
3 / 3 tests passed.
Testing './run test'...
> Test suite output is in the correct format.
> Test suite contains 20 or more test cases.
> Test suite achieved 80% or greater line coverage.
4 / 4 tests passed.
Testing './run URL_FILE'...
URL_FILE command True successfully!
URL_FILE output is valid NDJSON!
URL_FILE output is a valid module score!
URL_FILE command did not exit successfully when LOG_FILE is not set!
URL_FILE command did not exit successfully when GITHUB_TOKEN is not set!
5 / 5 tests passed.