Frontend and Backend for calculating ranking and all other functions of the Pareto Network intel feed.
This implements two parts of the ranking algorithm so far, and can do a client side calculation first primarily for cosmetic purposes.
There are only several views:
The splash view - intended to be straight to the point with a clear call to action.
The about view - goes into more detail about what the Pareto Network is and who is behind it
The dashboard - the product, where users can view the stream of intel that they are privy to see
The rank - shows the user their current score and ranking within the Pareto system.
Unauthenticated routes include:
POST /v1/sign
GET /v1/rank
To start backend Service follow the next steps:
- Install the latest Docker version.
- The file docker-compose.yml will have all the configuration to deploy Redis and Mongo into your development environment, it will also execute a migration to import a backup into your Mongo instance with the collections required for this project to run.
- Before running the Node.js application run: docker-compose up
- Finally, the following configuration ass environment variables:
- For Mongo the docker container will expose port 27018 so update MONGODB_URI properly to point to your local instance like this: mongodb://localhost:27018/pareto
- For Redis the docker container will export port 27017 so you will need to add the following enviroment variable: REDIS_URL with the full connection URL to Redis like this: redis://localhost:27019
- For Frontend Application communication, the environment variable FRONTEND_SERVER must be inicializated in http://localhost:8080
- if the configuration is successful you should see something like this on your console after you run the Node.js app:
PARETO: Success connecting to Redis
PARETO: Success connecting to Mongo
Pareto Network ranking app listening on port 3000!
To start frontEnd application follow the next steps:
- start backend Service
- install dependencies if are not installed (inside /frontend folder execute in terminal: npm i)
- run application executing in terminal npm run-script --prefix frontend serve on root project folder; or execute npm run-script serve inside /frontend folder
To start unitTest follow the next steps:
- make sure that all dependecies are installed (docker, package.json in root project folder, package.json in /frondtend folder)
- install vue unit test dependencies with
- vue add @vue/unit-mocha (inside /frontend folder)
- Before running the test application run: docker-compose up
- create a file in /test/ and named mocha.env.js
- inside the /test/mocha.env.js create the environment variables according DEVELOPMENT SETUP. The variable SIGN must be contain in json string the return data from MetaMask of the user to be tested:
- process.env.REDIS_URL
- process.env.MONGODB_URI
- process.env.FRONTEND_SERVER
- process.env.SIGN
- process.env.CRED_MONGODB
- process.env.SPECTED_SCORE
- Execute unit_test backend npm run-script test -- --opts ./mocha.opts
- Execute unit_test frontend npm run-script --prefix frontend test:unit