Releases: PaloAltoNetworks/pan-os-php
Releases · PaloAltoNetworks/pan-os-php
- type=securityprofilegroup | introduce 'filter=(secprof is XYZ)' - inspecific to search all securityprofilegroups for secprof which are set to 'default'/'strict'
- type=diff | extend help information about usage
- type=device | introduce 'filter=(template has-multi-vsys)'
- type=rule | extend with actions=group-tag-remove | group-tag-set:GROUPTAGNAME
- type=rule | introduce 'filter=(group-tag is.set)'
- type=gcp | introduction of GCP helper tools
- type=config-size - extend for snippet
- class Interfacecontainer - extend warning with XML object information - relevant for CloudManagement object-variable validation
- type=device | introduce 'filter=(devicegroup has.vsys XYZ)' - extend output for actions=display
- type=rule | introduce 'actions=display-app-seen'
- type=gcp | improve actions=upload/download
- type=rule actions=exporttoexcel:file.html,RuleHit | exporttoexcel:file.html,ApplicationSeen
- type=securityprofile 'filter=(object is.unused)' - skip predefined objects
- type=rule ruletype=decryption | introduce category reading
- class SecurityRule | bugfix to correctly cleanup XML node 'profile-setting', if no SecurityProfile/SecurityProfileGroup is set
- type=rule | bugfix for API_showRuleHitCount
- type=rule | bugfix for actions=rule-hit-count-show / -clear
- type=securityprofile securityprofiletype=custom-url-category 'filter=(object is.unused)' - bugfix to add reference
- cleanup - remove deprecated util scripts which are directly supported with alias "pan-os-php type=XYZ"
- general update dynamic content version to 8690-7941
- type=securityprofile 'actions=custom-url-category-add-ending-token:/' - add support for token '/
- type=securityprofile | introduce actions=custom-url-category-remove-ending-token - 'custom-url-category-remove-ending-token:' - '' can only be added if '/' is last char
- type=rule actions=display shadow-json - improve output if source/destination isAny()
- type=custom-report | introduce new utility
- type=device | introduce 'filter=(name is.child.of DGNAME)'
- type=UTIL_merger scripts | extend with argument listfilters
- type=securityprofile actions=url-filtering-action-set:alert,CUSTOMURL - support customURL and not only predefined URL
- type=zone | actions=display bugfix
- type=securityprofile securityprofiletype=custom-url-category 'actions=custom-url-category-add-ending-token:' - fix for token '' to not skip
- bugfixes for PHP version 8.2 - 'PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property'
- class AppFilter / CallContext - improvement for PHP 8.2
- remove deprecated utilities scripts
- update util actions/filter files
- class TAG - improve PHPdoc - methods/variable declaration
- general - use 'XML_PARSE_BIG_LINES' on all classes where XMLfile is load
- update predefined to 8685-7918
- type=ssh-connector | introduction of new utility script
- type=address | introduce new 'filter=(reflocationtype is.template/is.only.template/is.devicegroup/is.only.devicegroup )'
- type=certificate | bugfix for reading hash for ec certificates
- introduce PHP version validation - PHP 8.2 is NOT yet supported
- type=upload | improvement if in=api:// is used but no out= is defined
- type=device | actions=display-shadowrule:file.html - improvement to store full rule informtaion into html
- type=certificate | introduce 'filter=(publickey-algorithm is.rsa/ - publickey-hash is.sha1/is.sha256/is.sha384/is.sha512 - publickey-length <>!= VALUE
- type=certificate | introduce 'filter=(publickey-hash < sha256)'
- type=device | bugfix actions=display-shadowrule:file.html - to export correctly for all DG/vsys
- type=rule ruletype=defaultsecurity | bugfix to read predefined default-security-rules also if xpath post-rulebase is not set
- type=device actions=display-shadowrule | bugfix for multi-vsys
- type=device | actions=display-shadowrule devicetype=manageddevice - bugfix for html export to display correct serial/DG
- class Rule | improvement for type=rule 'filter=(, and
- type=certificate | introduction of new utility script
- type=certificate | extend actions=display
- type=device | actions=display-shadowrule - extend with argument exportToexcel | actions=display-shadowrule:filename.html
- type=playbook | bugfix for missing validation of available array_key
- type=ironskilled-update | bugfix as ironskillet zpp has nothing for Alert_Only_Zone_Protection
- type=address-merger | bugfix class Address.php - not handled null validation
- general - update UTIL actions/filter
- update Dockerfiles | split correctly between amd/arm
- type=diff | redesign filter JSON "combinedruleordercheck" feature
- type=diff - JSON filter file - regression bug for "empty"
- type=diff | bugfix for filter=jsonfile.json | not handling xpath split correctly
- type=diff | bugfix filter JSON file "EMPTY" part
- type=diff | JSON filter file - fix ruleorder display for "combinedruleordercheck"
- update dockerfiles to adjust for github actions
- pan-os-php version shadow-json | remove second duplicate output
- type=device | code improvements for actions=sp_spg-create-alert-only-bp/sp_spg-create-bp - reduce duplicate code
- type=rule | improve filters for ruletype=defaultsecurity
- type=overridefinder | improvement of usage message
- type=rule | extend validation for different rule actions and filters
- type=addressgroup-merger allowaddingmissingobjects allowmergingwithupperlevel | improve functionality to add / move missing objects
- type=diff filter=jsonfile.json | improved if combinedruleordercheck is set in JSON
- type=diff | filter=jsonfile.json - for exclude - introduce wildcard
- type=ironskillet-update | bugfix to download and store correct default iron-skillet snippets
- type=rule ruletype=defaultsecurity | bugfix to also import defaultSecurityRules, if only one was overwritten
- type=rule | bugfix for 'filter=( <>!= XYZ)' via Panorama on multiple DG - but different content from FW
- type=diff filter=jsonfile.json | bugfix if include/exclude is not available at file to compare
- type=address-merger | bugfix if object from upperlevel value has /32 but DG object has only IP
- update default iron-skillet snippets
- docker introduce arm container
- type=diff | JSON filter - add also support for "/PATH/entry[@name='*']"
- type=diff | JSON filter file - support now combination of '*' and [text()[contains(.,'TEXT')]]
- type=diff | JSON filter file - additional rule order check did not import post rules correctly
- type=device | code improvements for actions=sp_spg-create-alert-only-bp/sp_spg-create-bp - reduce duplicate code
- type=diff | bugfix - JSON filter file check not only * | check '*'
- type=ironskillet-update | bugfix to download and store correct default iron-skillet snippets
- type=rule | ruletype=defaultsecurity | bugfix to display rules | enable more actions related to defaultsecurityRules
- type=html-merger | bugfix for using argument 'adddefaulthtml' if no filename is specified
- type=playbook shadow-json | improved output
- type=application | introduce actions=delete and actions=delete-force
- type=html-merger | adjust helping information
- type=playbook | support reading argument projectfolder from JSON playbook file
- type=zone | actions=exporttoexcel - extend information with ZoneProtectionProfile
- type=rule actions=exporttoexcel:file.html - rename column 'security' to 'security-profile'
- type=html-merger | introduce argument 'adddefaulthtml' - to give the possibility to add a Excel TAB with descriptions
- type=diff | JSON filter file - allow * as wildcard
- type=securityprofile | bugfix to delete also customURLProfile objects
- type=device | bugfix panos >100 - for all actions=-create--bp to use coorect iron-skillet snippet
- update Dockerfiles related to ironskillet yaml usage
- set sleeping time for deprecated scripts to 600sec
- type=address/service | introduce 'filter=(reflocationcount ><=! NUMBER)'
- type=diff | introduce more options for 'filter=file.json' - 'added'/'deleted'/'moved' to not display xPath diff, if already accepted and known
- type=xpath | newly introduced utility to search for XML xpath value by using node-filter / xpath-filter / nameattribute-filter | additional output display-xmlnode, display-nameattribute
- type=diff | only avoid display of whitespaces in DIFF for xpath */certificate/ if flag is set
- type=rule-merger | improvements if DENY rules are found between possible rule for merging
- type=diff | introduce more options for 'filter=file.json' - 'combinedruleordercheck'
- type=diff | improve FinalResult output
- type=diff | filter JSON file with "combinedruleordercheck" - use Rule name and no longer UUID as unique key
- type=diff | if filter JSON file is using 'added'/'deleted' - ignore DIFF output
- type=diff | if filter JSON file is using 'empty' - ignore DIFF output of empty rules XMLnodes in DIFF output
- type=ironskillet-update | download yaml file
- type=ironskillet-update | introduce new iron-skillet yaml download and create XML snippets
- type=device | introduce 'actions=zpp-create-alert-only-bp' / 'actions=zpp-create-bp'
- type=diff | filter=jsonfile.json - introduction of ignoring diff output based on textnode for 'added'/'deleted'
- type=rule-merger | bugfix if argument exportcsv=xyz projectfolder=xyz and rules are skipped - to create skipped output file correctly
- class ReferenceableObject | bugfix for - type=rule 'filter=(reflocation is.only DGNAME)'
- type=address | bugfix for 'filter=(reflocation is DGNAME)' if multiple reflocation are used
- class RULE.php method load_common_from_domxml() | bugfix to NOT set reference for group-tag - fix problems with tag-merger
- class SecurityRule | bugfix for qos -> marking
- type=playbook | bugfix for new php version - missing variable declaration
- dockerfile add missing folder iron-skillet | fix for all iron-skillet relevant type=device action=....-create-bp parts
- type=diff | filter JSON file 'added'/'deleted' - bugfix to get for each entry the correct diff output
- type=html-merger | bugfix for missing projectfolder argument / introduce try and catch if pyhon is not installed
- type=device 'actions=manageddevice-delete' | bugfix for offline config
- update js and json file for bash_completion
- type=rule | update filter description for 'filter=( <,>,= VALUE)' as of a PHP v7 handling problem
- update license info | introduce new migration scripts for different vendors, under tag develop
- develop | migration pulse - introduce rule-merging functionality only for pulse migration - should be general available
- develop migrate bluecoat | introduce new argument 'loadxmlfromfile'
- general - update dynamic to version 8668-7812